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EOIR’s Strategic Context

Alignment and Support of DOJ Strategic Plan

The EOIR Strategic Plan supports the DOJ Strategic Plan for FY 2022-2026.[1] It primarily supports the following DOJ Goals and Objectives:

  • Strategic Goal 1: Uphold the Rule of Law.
    • Objective 1.1: Protect our Democratic Institutions.
    • Objective 1.2: Promote Good Government.
  • Strategic Goal 3: Protect Civil Rights.
    • Objective 3.4: Expand Equal Access to Justice.
  • Strategic Goal 5:  Administer Just Court and Correctional Systems.
    • Objective 5.1: Administer an Equitable and Efficient Immigration Court System.

Although EOIR is in support of multiple objectives and strategies under the DOJ Strategic Plan, Objective 5.1, Administer an Equitable and Efficient Immigration Court System is the primary objective to which EOIR aligns. The main strategies to achieve Objective 5.1, as outlined by the DOJ, are: Strategy 1: Reduce Pending Caseload; Strategy 2: Advance a Fair, Equitable, and Efficient Immigration Adjudication System; and Strategy 3: Improve Public Confidence in Immigration Courts. EOIR’s Strategic Plan sets a strategic direction for EOIR for FY 2024-2028 that aligns directly to support the accomplishment of these three strategies and indirectly supports the other DOJ objectives and strategies noted above.[2]



[1] Annual reviews of the EOIR Strategic Plan will take place to assess changes in departmental priorities. With the release of new DOJ Strategic Plans, EOIR’s Strategic Plan may be revised, as needed, to ensure continual alignment with the DOJ Strategic Plan.

[2] EOIR developed the contents of this plan through extensive interviews and conversations with all EOIR components and external stakeholders, including through national listening sessions. Working sessions with EOIR components led to the development of the mission statement and vision statement – which define EOIR’s purpose and drives the work of each employee, respectively. The working sessions also shaped much of the content of the EOIR Strategic Plan.