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EOIR’s Goals, Objectives, and Strategies

Goal 2: Foster a Culture of Public Service with Highly Engaged and Goal-Driven Employees

EOIR recognizes that mission success hinges on the recruitment, development, and retention of a talented, engaged, and goal-driven workforce. EOIR must recruit, train, and allocate staff in accordance with agency human capital goals, and thereafter, provide training and performance feedback to ensure employee development, advancement, and retention. EOIR strives to provide training and feedback throughout an employee’s tenure, well beyond mere onboarding training. EOIR is committed to fostering a positive work environment for all its employees. High morale will foster commitment to the mission and to excellence that each employee must possess for our collective success. Consistent with GAO recommendations, EOIR will develop and implement a strategic workforce plan that addresses key principles of workforce planning—such as identifying critical skills and competencies needed to achieve programmatic results, developing strategies to address skills gaps, and monitoring and evaluating progress toward human capital goals that contribute to achieving programmatic results—to better position EOIR to address current and future staffing needs. EOIR will involve key leadership and stakeholders in establishing a documented governance structure for workforce planning that includes assigned and documented roles and responsibilities for workforce planning and implementation across all levels of EOIR, and measurable and observable targets and metrics to determine effectiveness in achieving strategic or organizational goals.