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Appendix F: EOIR Strategic Workforce Management Governance Structure

Executive Summary

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recommended that EOIR establish a governance structure to help ensure that EOIR’s strategic management of human capital and workforce planning efforts are successful. According to the GAO, a governance structure refers to the framework of project management, especially regarding rules, procedures, roles, and the division of responsibilities within the decision-making process. Management develops the governance structure and assigns the responsibilities to discrete units to implement the workforce plan and enable the organization to operate in an efficient and effective manner. This governance structure should include: (1) assigned and documented roles and responsibilities for strategic management of human capital and workforce planning, including implementation of the plan(s), across all levels at the agency; and (2) measurable and observable targets and metrics to determine effectiveness in achieving organizational goals.

EOIR’s strategic management of human capital and workforce planning will require aligning strategic planning, human capital, and budgeting to meet organizational goals and objectives through: forecasting mission critical talent needs; identifying skills gaps; analyzing current workforce and talent supply, and developing, implementing, and evaluating strategies to address the gaps. Therefore, EOIR proposes that the Chief, Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Planning will be the Assistant Director for Administration, who is housed within the Office of Administration. The Office of Administration is an EOIR component that is supervised by the Director and Deputy Director. The Office of Administration is a natural fit because it is the EOIR component that supports appropriations, budget and financial management, contracts and procurement, human resources, security, space and facilities management, and logistics. Further, designating a component head as responsible for leading Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Planning holds senior management accountable for organizational progress and results. Additionally, EOIR proposes that the Chief, Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Planning, will be supported by the Office of the Director and other components as described below.

By assigning roles and responsibilities for strategic management of human capital and workforce planning to existing positions across multiple components, EOIR encourages collaboration across all levels of the organization at minimal cost to the agency. However, by designating a component head as Chief, Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Planning, EOIR ensures leadership is held accountable for implementation and results.

In accordance with GAO’s recommendation, EOIR proposes the following Strategic Workforce Management governance structure.