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Appendix C: EOIR Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Planning Alignments

Crosswalk Table of EOIR Strategic Management of Human Capital and Workforce Plan Goals to DOJ and EOIR Strategic Plans

DOJ Strategic Objective EOIR Strategic Goals EOIR Strategic Management of Human Capital Management and Workforce Plan
  • 1.2 Promote Good Government.
  • 5.1 Administer an Equitable and Efficient Immigration Court System.
EOIR Strategic Goal 1: Maximize Operational Efficiency while Ensuring Due Process. Goal 1: Strategic Planning and Alignment; Goal 2: Talent Management; Goal 3: Performance Culture; Goal 4: Evaluation.
  • 1.2 Promote Good Government.
  • 3.4 Expand Equal Access to Justice.
  • 5.1 Administer an Equitable and Efficient Immigration Court System.
EOIR Strategic Goal 2: Foster a Culture of Public Service with Highly Engaged and Goal-Driven Employees.
  • 1.2 Promote Good Government.
  • 5.1 Administer an Equitable and Efficient Immigration Court System.
EOIR Strategic Goal 3: Create an Adaptable Organization by Using the Right Technology.
  • 1.1 Protect our Democratic Institutions. Promote Good Government.
  • 3.4 Expand Equal Access to Justice.
  • 5.1 Administer an Equitable and Efficient Court System.
EOIR Strategic Goal 4: Improve Communication to Ensure Proactive Management of the Immigration System.


This table demonstrates how EOIR Strategic Management of Human Capital Management and Workforce Plan goals support EOIR goals and the applicable DOJ objectives in a cross-cutting one-to-many relationship (versus direct one-to-one). 

Crosswalk Table of EOIR Human Capital Goals to DOJ Human Capital Priorities and to OPM Human Capital Framework

DOJ Human Capital Priorities Strategic Planning and Alignment Talent Management Performance Culture Evaluation
Replenish the talent pipeline for Mission Critical Occupations and improve retention rates. X X   X
Close Skills Gaps in the Legal Assistant occupation. X X   X
Recruitment, Succession Planning, and Knowledge Transfer. X X   X
Employee experience, Well- Being, and Workplace Inclusivity. X X X X
Ensure that DOJ’s recruitment, interview, professional development, and pay and compensation practices are inclusive and equitable to support the hiring, promotion, and retention of a diverse workforce. X X X X
Closing Staffing Shortages and Workforce Assessment Communication Gaps in the IT Specialist Occupation. X X   X
Strengthen Human Capital Accountability and Compliance. X     X