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Elder Justice Prosecutor Samples

Find publicly-filed, sample elder abuse federal and state pleadings and documents. PACER citations have been provided where available.
Displaying 1276 - 1300 of 1552
Indictments & Informations

Affirms: failure to maintain physical and mental elderly healthcare services; failure to ensure perpetual qualified elderly caregivers; placing elderly care facility residents in physical and mental distress (2010)

Criminal Case Materials

Affirms: neglect of older person; willful or wanton disregard for safety. Requests Court issue summons for group home owner-licensed administrator (2010)

Nev. Rev. Stat. §200.5099(2) and §200.5092 and §202.595(1)

Criminal Complaint, , 7 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges housing facility's licensed administrator failed to: ensure residents received services and supervision; ensure facility complied with health and safety standards; document, administer or secure residents' medications; provide or supervise trained caregivers; maintain accurate resident and staff records; prevent situations where vulnerable adults suffered physical or mental pain (2010)

Criminal Case Materials

Affirms: neglect of older person; involuntary manslaughter. Requests Court issue arrest warrant for group residential care facility manager (2005)

Nev. Rev. Stat. §200.5099(2) and (7) and §200.5092 and §200.070 and §200.090

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges group health care owner left facility without authorized caregiver or protective services when fire occurred causing elderly resident's death (2005)

Indictments & Informations

Affirms administrator maintained and operated group care residence without license and aware court orders enjoined against operating unlicensed facility (2005)

Criminal Case Materials

Alleges residence administrator: operated facility housing elderly adults without safety equipment or proper certification; left without providing an authorized caregiver or protective services; placed elderly residents subject to physical or mental suffering, abuse or neglect (2005)

Indictments & Informations

Affirms defendants used deception, intimidation and influence to obtain, control, exploit and permanently deprive legally blind elder adult of money, assets and property (2004)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges defendants deprived blind elderly adult of ownership, use, benefit and possession of money, assets, property and financial account (2004)

Indictments & Informations

Affirms certified nurse assistant at long-term care facility struck and bruised elderly adult's legs and face (2003)

Criminal Case Materials

Alleges long-term care facility CNA willfully neglected to report striking legs and tossing pillow at face of elderly adult (2003)

Criminal Case Materials

Affirms abuse of older person. Requests Court issue arrest warrant for caretaker (2002)

Nev. Rev. Stat. §200.5092(1) and §200.5099(1)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges long-term care facility CNA caused physical and mental suffering by striking and gagging elderly resident (2002)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges Medicaid funded long-term care facility caregiver struck and abused elderly resident (2001)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges LPN and paid companion treated pressure ulcer without physician's orders causing substantial bodily harm to elderly disabled adult (2001)


Affirms: abuse of older person; battery of person 65 years of age or older. Requests Court issue arrest warrant for caretaker (2001)

Nev. Rev. Stat. §200.5099(1) and §200.5092(1) and §200.481 and §193.167

Criminal Complaint, , 2 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges medical facility CNA struck and endangered disabled resident (2000)

Indictments & Informations

Affirms registered nurse at Medicaid funded health services failed to provide proper assessment, feeding tube placement and documentation causing conditions related to elderly disabled adult's death (2000)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges Medicaid funded health services RN's failure to chart feeding tube replacement deprived co-workers of accurate information and caused elderly disabled adult prolonged physical pain (2000)

Criminal Complaint, , 3 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges CNA struck elderly vulnerable adult causing injury, pain and mental suffering (1999)

Criminal Complaint, , 4 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges Medicaid funded convalescent and retirement center CNA committed abuse and neglect of older person by force feeding and by dragging elder adult's feet under wheelchair (1999)

Criminal Complaint, , 13 pgs
Criminal Case Materials

Alleges medical facility RN and CNA used contraindicated manual towel lift, dropped patient in shower room and, with RN supervisor, failed to properly assess and diagnose patient's injuries for 24 to 36 hours resulting in abuse, neglect and exploitation of elderly vulnerable patient (1997)

Other Materials

Argues Court must reverse order, deny motion and reinstate complaint because: decision conflicts with applicable law; causation, foreseeability, negligence and suprevision are questions and issues of fact; actual or constructive notice is irrelevant; proof dangerous condition is open and obvious does not preclude failure to maintain safety

NY Lab. Law §240(1) and §241(6) and §200 and NY C.P.L.R. §5531

New York
Other Materials

Argues Court must reverse sentence because: evidence failed to show defendant acted with culpable state of mind; jury instruction failed to include mens rea requirement

NY Agric. & Mkts. Law §43 and §81 and §350 and §353 and §353-a, -b, -c, -d and NY Penal Law §15.05(8) and §15.15(3) and §185 and §189 and §280.20(13) and §280.25 and §280.35 and §280.60 and §280.65 and NY Pub. Health Law §12-b and NY Rec.Stat.Ch. 375 §1

New York
Other Materials

Argues Court must set aside ruling and direct New York City Housing Authority grant petitioner a lease because: household status was known and accepted; unclean hands was not established

NY C.P.L.R. §7804(g) and §7803 and §7803(3), (4) and NY Exec. Law §296(2-a) and NY Real Prop. Law §235-f and NY Pub. Hous. Law §2 and §401

New York
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