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FY 2014 Budget and Performance Summary

Part One: Summary of Request and Performance

U.S. Department of Justice Overview (PDF)
2014 Budget Summary (PDF)
2014 Performance Plan (PDF)

Part Two: Summary Information By Appropriation

Summary of Budget Authority by Appropriation (PDF| HTML)
2014 Summary of Changes by Organization (PDF | HTML)
2014 Summary of State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement Assistance
        (OJP, COPS, OVW) (PDF | HTML)
General Administration (GA) (PDF)
Justice Information Sharing Technology (JIST) (PDF)
Administrative Review and Appeals (ARA)
        Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) (PDF)
        Office of Pardon Attorney (OPA) (PDF)
Office of the Inspector General (OIG) (PDF)
U.S. Parole Commission (USPC) (PDF)
National Security Division (NSD) (PDF)
General Legal Activities (GLA)
        Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) (PDF)
        Tax Division (TAX) (PDF)
        Criminal Division (CRM) (PDF)
        Civil Division (CIV) (PDF)
        Environment and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) (PDF)
        Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) (PDF)
        Civil Rights Division (CRT) (PDF)
        INTERPOL Washington (IPOL) (PDF)
        Summary of General Legal Activities (PDF | HTML)
Antitrust Division (ATR) (PDF)
U.S. Attorneys (USA) (PDF)
U.S. Trustee Program (USTP) (PDF)
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission (FCSC) (PDF)
U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) (PDF)
Community Relations Service (CRS) (PDF)
Assets Forfeiture Fund (AFF) (PDF)
Interagency Crime and Drug Enforcement (ICDE) (PDF)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) (PDF)
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) (PDF)
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) (PDF)
Federal Prison System (BOP) (PDF)
Office of Justice Programs (OJP) (PDF)
Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) (PDF)
Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) (PDF)
Fees and Expenses of Witnesses (FEW) (PDF)

Part Three:  Resource Tables

Budget Authority and FTE, FY 2004 to 2014 (PDF | HTML)
2014 Request Compared with 2012 Obligations and FY2013 CR (PDF | HTML)
FY 2013 Budget Authority (PDF | HTML)
Outlays, FY 2012 to FY 2014 (PDF | HTML)
Employment Categories (PDF | HTML)
2014 Organizational Adjustments-to-Base (PDF | HTML)
2014 Budget Request by Strategic Goal (PDF | HTML)
2012 Performance Results (PDF)
2014 Appropriations Language (PDF)
Summary of General Provisions (PDF)
Authorization of Appropriations (PDF | HTML)


Updated March 26, 2021