
Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:21 AM
Victims Fund for families 9-11

Dear Sirs/Madams:
I have been notified that you are taking comments regarding this topic..... I have been shown a form letter to send to you...... but I am not going to...... I would like to write from my heart.......
I am a lesbian and I am a single mother. Like so many people who will send their coments this would not affect me. But, for those who will be affected, I do ask that you extend the support of OUR country to the FAMILIES of gay and lesbian people. We do pay taxes just like the straight victims of the recent tragedy... even more if we are not allowed the 'marriage deduction'. We live our lives as families... we have very little differences in our lives from heterosexual people. We depend on one another ... we have children ... some of us stay home to care for those children ... If there is one person who was a co-parent to a child (possibly adopted) and his/her partner was a stay at home mom/dad what would this financial aid mean to that child? This is very important... please don't let the morally judging groups out there dictate our countries future... we are real, decent, socially viable people who deserve the same rights as our fellow contry men and women. Please, take this chance to stand up for all Americans.....
Together We Stand.... United Or Not!
Please..... begin the journey toward uniting this country even further.....

Thank you,

Individual Comment
Deer Park, TX

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