Table of Contents

Definition of Acronyms Used in this Report

FOIA Disclosure Requests

Exemptions Claimed Under FOIA

Names of Persons Responsible for Initial Denial of all Records

Statutes Invoked Pursuant to Exemption No. 3

Administrative Appeals Activities

Privacy Act Disclosure Requests

Administrative Manhours, Costs, and Fees Collected for FOIA and Privacy Act Requests

Promulgated Rules Relating to FOIA (Including Fee Schedule)

Preamble to Lists of Freedom of Information Act Cases

List of Freedom of Information Act Cases Received in 1980

List of Freedom of Information Act Cases in Which a Decision was Rendered in 1980, Including the Disposition of Each Such Case, the Exemptions Involved, and the Fees and Costs Awarded, if Any

Addendum to the 1978 Annual Report List of FOIA Cases in Which a Decision was Rendered in 1978, Including the Disposition of Each Such Case, the Exemptions Involved, and the Fees and Costs Awarded, if Any

Addendum to the 1979 Annual Report List of FOIA Cases in Which a Decision was Rendered in 1979, Including the Disposition of Each Such Case, the Exemptions Involved, and the Fees and Costs Awarded, if Any

Description of Department of Justice Efforts to Encourage Agency Compliance with the Act

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