The lists on the following pages do not include "reverse" FOIA cases. They do include cases involving the National Labor Relations Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, all of which by agreement with the Attorney General were delegated primary responsibility for handling FOIA cases in which they are the defendant.

The list of cases received includes cases filed in 1979 but received by the Department of Justice in 1980. These cases are distinguished by an asterisk. Finally, the list of cases in which a decision was rendered in 1980 may include cases listed on the 1978 or 1979 addendum to more accurately reflect the litigation activity in each year. For example, a case decided in 1979 which was appealed and affirmed in 1980 would be found on the list of cases in which a decision was rendered in 1980 as well as on the 1979 addendum.

The 1978 and 1979 addenda are included here because the handling of cases is, to some extent, decentralized and not all completed cases came to the Civil Division's attention before the 1978 and 1979 reports were prepared. While some cases are handled by, or supervised by, the Civil Division, others are delegated to the Tax Division or to the United States Attorneys, or to other agencies.

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