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Press Release

U.S. Attorney's Office in New Hampshire to Receive Two New Assistant U.S. Attorneys to Focus on Violent Crime and Civil Enforcement

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Hampshire

          CONCORD  – On the 500th day of the Trump Administration, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and U.S. Attorney for the District of New Hampshire Scott W. Murray announced that the Department of Justice is taking a dramatic step to increase resources to combat violent crime and help roll back the devastating opioid crisis in New Hampshire.

          In the largest increase in decades, the Department of Justice is allocating 311 new Assistant United States Attorneys to assist in priority areas.  The District of New Hampshire will receive two of these attorneys. One will focus of violent crime, while the other will concentrate on civil enforcement of federal laws.

          “Under President Trump's strong leadership, the Department of Justice is going on offense against violent crime, illegal immigration, and the opioid crisis—and today we are sending in reinforcements,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “We have a saying in my office that a new federal prosecutor is 'the coin of the realm.'  When we can eliminate wasteful spending, one of my first questions to my staff is if we can deploy more prosecutors to where they are needed. I have personally worked to re-purpose existing funds to support this critical mission, and as a former federal prosecutor myself, my expectations could not be higher. These exceptional and talented prosecutors are key leaders in our crime fighting partnership. This addition of new Assistant U.S. Attorney positions represents the largest increase in decades.”

          U.S. Attorney Murray welcomed the announcement, saying “The horrible opioid crisis plaguing New Hampshire has brought with it great suffering, including thousands of overdose deaths, illnesses and violent criminal activity associated with the drug trade. Given limited resources, the additional prosecutor is critical to our ability to combat crimes of violence that endanger our citizens, especially those involving firearms. The new civil enforcement attorney will allow us to directly confront one of the factors contributing to the crisis. Specifically, we will take aggressive action against practitioners who prescribe or distribute controlled substances in an illegal, irresponsible manner. We will also step up our efforts to pursue civil remedies against health care providers who defraud Medicare and other federal benefit programs.”



Updated June 4, 2018

Office and Personnel Updates
Press Release Number: 18-097