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Press Release

Trail and Boswell Sentenced for Interstate Transportation of Stolen Property

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Nebraska

United States Attorney Joe Kelly announced that Bailey Marie Boswell, 24, and Aubrey Clifton Trail, 51, were sentenced today in Lincoln, Nebraska, by United States District Judge John M. Gerrard, for interstate transportation of stolen property.  Boswell received a sentence of 5 years, while Trail was sentenced to 10 years in prison.  Restitution in the total amount of $407,782 was also ordered to be paid to the two victims in this case.  Both were also given 3 years of supervised release.

Beginning in December, 2015, through November, 2017, Trail was falsely representing himself as “Alan Russell,” and approached the victims in this scheme with a proposal to jointly purchase a rare gold coin and share in the profits from the “sale” of that coin.  Trail falsely represented the value of the gold coin to be far in excess of the price to be paid by “Russell” and the victim.  Trail then requested money from the victims in order to help the “sale” of the coin to purchasers that he claimed to have, when in reality there was never a “sale” and the coin was not a gold coin of such high value. 

In an attempt to make the victims believe that the “sale” of the coin was legitimate, in February, 2017, Trail and Boswell set up false documents and websites and Boswell falsely portrayed herself as a broker.   Through the course of the scheme, Trail and Boswell would travel from Nebraska to Kansas to pick up money and property from the victims, all under the guise that such money and property was to aide in the “sale” of the gold coin.  In total, Trail and Boswell received more than $400,000 in money and property from the victims which they used for personal use.

This case was investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Lincoln Police Department.

Updated August 7, 2018

Financial Fraud