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Press Release

National Community Policing Week

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Districts of Guam & the Northern Mariana Islands
First-Ever Roundtable Meeting of LGBTQI Community and Law Enforcement/Government Agencies

          On September 30, 2016, President Barack Obama proclaimed October 2-8, 2016 as National Community Policing Week.  On October 3, 2016, the Department of Justice announced the designation of October 2-8, 2016 as National Community Policing Week, the first ever designation by the Justice Department, and an extension of the Attorney General’s 12-city Community Policing Tour that highlighted collaborative programs and policing practices designed to advance public safety, strengthen police-community relations, and foster mutual respect between law enforcement and citizens.

          In response to the Department of Justice’s designation of Oct. 3-7, 2016, as National Community Policing Week, U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco for the Districts of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (NMI), announced that proclamations by the Governor of Guam Eddie Calvo and the Governor of the NMI Ralph Torres were held and a legislative resolution by Senator Frank Aguon, Jr., in Guam was presented designating October 3-7, 2016, as National Community Policing Week.

          Community policing is a public safety philosophy based on partnership and cooperation between law enforcement and the communities that law enforcement are sworn to protect and serve.  At the heart of community policing is the idea that all members of the community, both officer and civilian, have a stake in the safety of our neighborhoods, our villages, and in our islands where we live and work.

          Community policing is about strengthening the relationship between law enforcement and our community, to foster dialogue, and promote and increase trust, mutual respect and understanding among our law enforcement and community members in our shared efforts to build stronger, safer and more just communities for our families, for our children and for all persons making Guam and the NMI their home.

          In July 2014, the U.S. Attorney’s Office organized and held a ceremony commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and spoke about the Department of Justice’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, and promoting and protecting equal opportunity and the civil rights of all protected classes.  Shortly thereafter and in response to issued raised by our Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) community, our LGBT Community Coalition was formed.  In our efforts to be inclusive, the Coalition expanded to include those persons who identify as Queer or Questioning (Q) and those who are Intersex (I), and is now known as our LGBTQI Community Coalition.



          First-Ever Roundtable Meeting of LGBTQI Community and Law Enforcement/Government AgenciesIn commemoration of National Community Policing Week and in response to the call to action to engage our law enforcement and community in dialogue to strengthen our relationship and build trust, U.S. Attorney Limtiaco invited our LGBTQI Community Coalition, law enforcement and government agencies to participate in a roundtable meeting to build upon our collaborative efforts to address and be responsive to the needs and issued faced by our LGBTQI community, law enforcement and government agencies, including identifying and responding to hate crimes; developing a network of reliable resources and support services; and engaging in crime prevention efforts, so that by working together we improve the overall quality of life for everyone.

          On Guam, a roundtable meeting with the  LGBTQI Community Coalition, law enforcement and government agencies was held in October 2016.  This was the first time a roundtable meeting was held for the purpose of engaging stakeholders in a dialogue and discussion of the issues and concerns affecting our LGBTQI community. 

          LGBTQI leaders and members of Guam’s Alternative Lifestyle Association (GALA) and ISA Guam were invited to participate.  GALA is a community based organization that exists to strengthen the quality of life for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons, their families and friends through Support, Education, & Advocacy.  GALA upholds a society that embraces social diversity through love and respect for all.  ISA Guam is an organization dedicated to supporting and advocating for LGBT equality, specifically Guam’s LGBT community and supporters.

          Law Enforcement, government agencies, and organizations in attendance were the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Guam Airport Security Police, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Guam Department of Corrections, Guam           Department of Labor, Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services, Guam Department of Youth Affairs, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency, Guam Department of Education, Guam Police Department, Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation, Guam Fire Department, Guam National Guard, Guam Port Authority Police, Marianas Regional Fusion Center/Guam Homeland Security, Office of Senator Benjamin Cruz, 33rd Guam Legislature, Office of Senator Nerissa Underwood, 33rd Guam Legislature, Guam Family Law Office, Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, and U.S. Passport Office.

          In the NMI, the roundtable meeting with the LGBTQI Community Coalition, law enforcement and government agencies was held in November 2016.  This was also the first time a roundtable meeting was held in the NMI for the purpose of engaging stakeholders in a dialogue and discussion of the issues and concerns affecting our LGBTQI community. 

          Law Enforcement, government agencies, and organizations in attendance were the U.S. Attorney’s Office, NMI Ports Police, ATF, NMI Department of Finance, NMI Department of Corrections, NMI Department of Labor, NMI Department of Public Health and Social Services, NMI Department of Youth Services, FBI, NMI Department of Finance/Division of Customs, NMI Department of Public Safety, NMI Department of Finance/Division of Revenue and Taxation, U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and Transportation Security Administration.

          LGBTQI leaders and members of PRIDE Marianas in the NMI and GALA Guam were invited to participate.  PRIDE Marianas is a new non-profit LGBT organization in the NMI established to celebrate the diversity of LGBT individuals in the NMI and promote awareness and understanding of LGBT issues.

          The roundtable meetings in Guam and the NMI were well-received by all participants with positive comments about the importance of increasing and improving the dialogue with and strengthening support of the LGBTQI community.  There were over 50 participants in attendance in Guam and over 20 participants in the NMI.



Picture of Proclamation Signing in Guam for National Community Policing Week
Proclamation Signing in Guam for National Community Policing Week with Lt. Governor Raymond Tenorio, Chief of Police Jose Cruz and his staff, U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco, staff members of the U.S. Attorney’s Office:  AUSA Stephen Leon Guerrero, Victim Witness/Law Enforcement Coordinator Salome Blas, Secretary to U.S. Attorney Carmelleta San Nicolas, FLU Legal Assistant Michelle Perez and Legal Assistant Noreen Davis, Senator Frank Blas Aguon, Jr., Fire Chief Joey San Nicolas, Deputy U.S. Marshal John San Nicolas, TSA Assistant Federal Security Director-Law Enforcement Tyron Guillory and TSA Deputy Assistant Federal Security Director Robert Cochran, HSI RAC Shaun Harris, Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency Acting Chief Darlene Merfalen, and other law enforcement officers
Picture of  U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco with Senator Frank Blas Aguon, Jr. at the Resolution Reading in Guam for National Community Policing Week
U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco with Senator Frank Blas Aguon, Jr. at the Resolution Reading in Guam for National Community Policing Week
Picture of U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco with NMI Department of Public Safety Commissioner Robert Guerrero and Governor of the NMI Ralph Torres at the Proclamation Signing for National Community Policing Week
U.S. Attorney Alicia Limtiaco with NMI Department of Public Safety Commissioner Robert Guerrero and Governor of the NMI Ralph Torres at the Proclamation Signing for National Community Policing Week



Roundtable Meeting with Guam LGBTQI Community Coalition, Law Enforcement and Government Agency Heads
Roundtable Meeting with Guam LGBTQI Community Coalition, Law Enforcement and Government Agency Heads
Picture of Roundtable Meeting with NMI LGBTQI Community Coalition, Law Enforcement, and Government Agency Heads
Roundtable Meeting with NMI LGBTQI Community Coalition, Law Enforcement, and Government Agency Heads


Updated December 13, 2016

Community Outreach