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Victim Toolbox: Information for Victims of Overseas Terrorism

We at DOJ/OVT have experience supporting U.S. citizen victims of overseas terrorism and their families in their quest for accountability. While we will never fully understand the depths of your personal experience of a terrorist attack nor be able to meet all your needs, we have compiled information - our services, U.S. Code legal definitions, victims’ rights, general information about terrorism abroad and common victim questions - that may help you and your loved ones in the aftermath of the terrorist attack. We also encourage you to review our resources section for additional information that is outside the scope of U.S. government services.

The toolbox includes:

  • Information and notification, including opportunities to share communication preferences and general information on privacy concerns;

  • Information on potential opportunities to participate in foreign criminal justice proceedings;

  • Guidance on how to connect with U.S. government partners for additional support;

  • Definitions you may find helpful;

  • Victims’ rights in foreign and domestic investigations and prosecutions; and

  • Common victims’ questions about terrorism, prosecution, investigation and assistance.

For further information on the resources and services captured in this toolbox, please contact us.

Information and Notification

We at DOJ/OVT are here to provide you with available information about a foreign criminal justice system, rights you may have in a system, and information on what’s happening in the foreign case. We work to keep victims and their families informed about significant developments related to an overseas investigation and prosecution of a terrorist attack.

The availability of information and notification will depend on the foreign system. Information and notification will be provided on a case by case basis. The following are examples of the types of information and notification we may provide:

  • General information about the foreign government’s criminal justice process;

  • General information about the foreign system’s victims’ rights, if any;

  • Information about the foreign government's investigation and prosecution;

  • Ongoing notification about case events and proceedings;

  • Status and release of prisoners; and,

  • Referrals to partners for information about the U.S. criminal investigation and prosecution, if any.

DOJ/OVT is uniquely situated in the Department of Justice's (DOJ) National Security Division (NSD) to support U.S. victims of international terrorism through obtaining information and advocating for your voice to be heard around the world. Please know that while we are a critical partner with the U.S. investigatory and prosecution teams, DOJ/OVT can neither represent victims nor provide legal advice.

Would you like to receive notifications? Do you prefer email or a phone call? How often? We want to hear from you on your preferred method of communication. If you are a U.S. victim of an international terrorist attack and have not had the opportunity to provide us your preferred method of communication, follow up with the DOJ/OVT Attorney Advisor assigned to your case or email us at

We remain mindful of the privacy concerns of victims and their families. Although private information is safeguarded from public disclosure, when necessary, information may be shared with our U.S. government partners or may be shared with other U.S. law enforcement entities as appropriate. We use our best efforts to protect private information as possible. For more information read DOJ’s privacy policy.


First In, Last Out: Resources for First Responders

The U.S. DOJ’s Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism created this page for all of the first responders who help the victims and survivors of terrorism and other crimes. We acknowledge your sacrifices, respect your challenges, and are grateful for all the work that you do.  We hope this material is useful to you and helps you through what may be difficult times.

First responders are often the overlooked survivors of terrorist attacks and mass casualty events. In the course of their duties, police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, medical personnel and victims' assistance providers are exposed to traumatic crime scenes and difficult stories from victims and survivors. This exposure may lead to “vicarious trauma.”

According to DOJ’s Office for Victims of Crime, “Vicarious trauma is an occupational challenge for people working and volunteering in the fields of victim services, law enforcement, emergency medical services, fire services, and other allied professions, due to their continuous exposure to victims of trauma and violence. Exposure to the trauma of others has been shown to change the worldview of these responders and can put people and organizations at risk for a range of negative consequences.” (The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit, Glossary of Terms, see below.)

These experiences can vary and can affect people very differently - and this response can evolve over time. Below are a few resources for first responders or their loved ones that might be helpful as they address possible issues of vicarious trauma. Some of these resources may be useful to you, but some may not be. This is not a comprehensive list but may help guide efforts to find information. All of these resources are from other U.S. government agencies or offices, and a short abbreviation glossary is below:

  • The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
  • Health and Human Services (HHS)
  • The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
  • The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
  • The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
  • Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
  • U.S. Fire Administration (USFA)
  • The U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA)

If you feel you need further assistance, please reach out to a qualified counselor or psychologist, or your organization’s human resources for referrals. 

The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit 
DOJ’s OVC – OVC’s toolkit makes a major contribution to the field by providing the Vicarious Trauma–Organizational Readiness Guide (VT–ORG) to help guide organizations' efforts to become more vicarious trauma-informed.

Responder Safety and Health 
HHS – A collection of various resources and trainings directed at assisting first responders, including:

SAMHSA's Disaster Kit
SAMHSA/HHS – A comprehensive resource which includes:

Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) Toolkit 
SAMHSA/HHS – The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) helps individuals and communities recover from natural and human-caused disasters through community outreach and access to mental health services. This toolkit includes numerous resources, including the First Responders and Disaster Responders Resource Portal. This website includes online trainings, webcasts, tip sheets, and other online disaster behavioral health trainings.

Traumatic Incident Stress 
NIOSH/CDC – A short but comprehensive list of physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms and recommendations for actions on-site and after the event. A summary is at Traumatic Incident Stress - Information for Emergency Response Workers (Fact Sheet).

Coping with Traumatic Events 
NIMH/NIH/HHS – General information for anyone who has suffered a traumatic event, including how children may respond.

Self-Care for Disaster Behavioral Health Responders 
SAMHSA/HHS – A visual presentation about the stressors facing first responders and best practices to address them.

Psychological First Aid for First Responders 
SAMHSA/HHS – A quick reference pamphlet about how to communicate with traumatized people during or just after a traumatic event, including how to deescalate with an agitated person.

Tips for Disaster Responders - Identifying Substance Misuse in the Responder Community
SAMHSA/HHS - A tip sheet to provide information on the warning signs of misusing alcohol, prescription medication, or other substances, and includes treatment resource information.

Resources for Health Care Providers
NCCIH/NIH/HHS – Complementary health approaches for health care providers to utilize personally or in their practices.

Tips for Supervisors of Disaster Responders - Helping Staff Manage Stress When Returning to Work
SAMHSA/HHS - This tip sheet can help supervisors ease the transition for disaster responders returning to work, recognize and reduce potential difficulties in the workplace, and enhance positive consequences for all of their staff.

Disaster Technical Assistance Center Supplemental Research Bulletin - First Responders: Behavioral Health Concerns, Emergency Response, and Trauma
SAMHSA/HHS - The purpose of this publication is to discuss the challenges encountered by first responders during regular duty as well as following disasters; shed more light on the risks and behavioral health consequences (such as PTSD, stress, and depression) of serving as a first responder; and present steps that can be taken to reduce these risks either on the individual or institutional levels.

Preventing Suicide Among First Responders
USFA/FEMA – An infogram with links to various firefighter and law enforcement organizations to address suicide prevention.

Online Disaster Behavioral Health Trainings
SAMHSA/HHS – The trainings cover a range of topics, including crisis intervention, Psychological First Aid, preparedness and response, resilience-building, and psychological responses to disasters. The trainings listed are free to the public; however, they may require you to register with a training website in order to take them. Some of the trainings also offer continuing education unit credits.

Online DTAC Training Courses 
SAMHSA/HHS – The following free online trainings are designed to help participants improve their awareness and understanding of the behavioral health effects of disasters and disaster and emergency response. Includes Shield of Resilience, a 1-hour, online course provides law enforcement officers with a foundational skill set to better understand and address the behavioral health stressors that are unique to law enforcement and Service to Self, a 1-hour online course is specifically for fire and emergency medical services personnel which addresses occupational stressors; mental health and substance use issues including depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, suicidality, and alcohol use; individual and organizational resilience; and healthy coping mechanisms including demonstrations of stress management techniques.

Stress Management Techniques, Healthy Coping Strategies, Breathing Exercise - Video 
SAMHSA/HHS – A YouTube video meant to help staff understand the personal impact of working with disaster survivors. It also covers the importance of practicing self-care and demonstrates a breathing exercise that may help staff reduce stress.

Provider Strategies for Coping with Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress
VA – The VA has numerous resources through their National Center for PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) to address the needs of first responders. This one-hour interactive course is designed to provide brief education and dynamic intervention strategies to help address provider burnout and STS. Highlights include informational provider vignettes, interactive features, and instruction on physical, cognitive, and meaning-based coping strategies. All are designed to improve personal health and resilience. Continuing education credits are offered for this free course.


Foreign System Participation

We are here to help you understand what is happening in the foreign criminal justice system and participate in the process to the extent you desire and foreign law allows. We hope the following information helps provide a context for what is available, and what you may encounter or experience.

Many U.S. citizen victims of overseas terrorism seek to be present at the foreign criminal justice proceedings. As a U.S. citizen victim of international terrorism, or as a family member of a deceased or injured victim, you may have the opportunity to attend the foreign criminal justice proceeding. The purpose of the Criminal Justice Participation Assistance Fund (CJPAF) is to provide you with financial support to participate in foreign criminal justice proceedings related to terrorist attacks. Transportation expenses of a support person may also be covered.

The funds are derived from the Crime Victims Fund/Antiterrorism Reserve, which is composed of fines and special assessments paid by convicted federal offenders. The CJPAF program is not derived from Federal or State tax monies.

For more information we encourage you to contact us.

You may have the opportunity to describe how the terrorist attack affected you and/or others close to you through a victim impact statement (VIS).

Whether a victim has the right to be heard through the criminal justice process will depend upon the laws of the foreign government. We will help you determine whether the foreign government will allow the submission of a VIS, and will assist in the drafting and delivery of your VIS.

While victim impact statements are enshrined in the U.S. criminal justice system, U.S. laws concerning victims’ rights are not applicable in foreign countries. The submission of a VIS, who is allowed to give a VIS, and how the VIS is to be submitted will vary with each foreign government.

The aim of this information is to help you decide whether you wish to complete a statement and, if you do choose to submit a statement, to provide general information, such as: definitions, procedures for completion and submission, and suggestions on how to get started and what to include.

What Is a Victim Impact Statement (VIS)?

No one knows better than you do how a terrorist act has impacted your life. A VIS can help the foreign Court understand all the ways this crime has affected you and those close to you. It can be an effective, on-the-record way of communicating with the Court. Submitting a VIS in your own words can help personalize the impact of the attack by describing how the attack impacted your health, your finances, your emotions, your relationships, your work, or any other impact that you feel should be expressed to the Court. It is possible the Judge will use it when forming an opinion about the type of sentence a Defendant would receive, but it depends on the laws of the country in question. The Court can consider other factors, but it gives the Judge a unique perspective into the impact of a crime on the victims and survivors.

It is possible that some portions of submitted VIS could be read aloud in court. There may be a particular interest in the personal and financial impact for victims who were physically injured. As such, it could be useful to include information about lost wages, medical bills, etc. If you are comfortable doing so, you may include copies of medical records or bills, but we strongly encourage you to redact any personally identifiable information (PII) such as your address, phone number, birth date, social security number, or banking/credit card information. Please know this information will become a part of the Court’s record and will likely be available to both the prosecution and defense as well, so please be aware that it may not remain confidential.

Please contact DOJ/OVT staff if you wish to discuss further, or if we can provide support throughout the writing process. The words must be your own, but we are available to offer assistance.

Guidance on Writing and Sending your Victim Impact Statements:

  1. Please type your letter in a common font and a legible size. There may be certain requirements for certain countries about page length, font, type or margins, so please contact DOJ/OVT to discuss. As it will likely need to be signed by you and notarized, include a signature line for you and a space for a notary signature. 

  2. Type the full name of the victim in the letter. If this is you, state “I, (your full name), was (injured) or (was a victim present) during the (name of attack).” If this is a family member or next of kin, please state “I, (your full name), am the (relationship) of (name of victim), who was (injured) or (was a victim present during) of the (name of attack).”

  3. This statement will be sent overseas, so please be mindful of the culture in which your letter will be read and take into consideration what impact you want your statement to have. Please use straightforward language. Avoid acronyms or abbreviations, slang, obscenities or pop culture references. While English may be the language of the criminal justice system, sometimes these types of terms have a different (or no) meaning in other cultures. The parties may also translate the VIS into other languages for their use as well.

  4. For some people, writing a VIS can be a very emotional experience. You may wish to have the support of a loved one, friend, or spiritual advisor when going through this process.

  5. Your statement may need to be notarized. You will sign the statement in front of the notary, so when typing your letter leave a space to sign and have your full name typed under it. You can find a notary at your bank, many libraries, or some attorney’s or prosecutors’ offices. 

  6. Please be advised that VIS may be read by the defendants, made public in the foreign country, and could be accessed by the media. Please do not include personally identifiable information, such as your home address, date of birth, cell phone number, email address, etc.  

  7. Do not hesitate to email or call DOJ/OVT if you have any questions or need help with this process. 

We at DOJ/OVT hope that this information helps you understand how a VIS can be submitted to and used by the Court. We are sincerely sorry for the suffering that you and your loved ones have experienced, and we are here to assist you through this process. Our goal is to help you pursue justice and accountability. 

Understanding Foreign Systems

Legal systems vary from country to country, and sometimes within a single country. We are here to help provide generalized information about foreign legal and court systems, as well as some basic legal concepts.

For more information about our activities in connection with terrorist attacks visit our Interactive World Map.



We can connect you to U.S. and foreign government and non-government service providers to address physical, psychological, and/or criminal justice system needs. For more information on U.S. government services:


A victim is (based on 42 U.S.C. § 10607):

  • A U.S. citizen;

  • Who suffered direct physical, emotional, or financial harm as a result of an act of overseas terrorism; or,

  • Spouse, parent, child, sibling, or legally designated representative of the victim, when the direct U.S. victim is a minor or is incompetent, incapacitated, or killed.

Overseas terrorism is (based on 18 U.S.C. § 2331):

  • Violent acts or acts dangerous to human life that violate federal or state law;

  • That are intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a government; and,

  • Occur outside the United States.

A support person, for the purposes of the Criminal Justice Participation Assistance Fund (CJPAF) program, accompanies a victim to the foreign criminal proceeding. This may be a spouse, domestic partner, family member, close friend, clergy, etc. Depending on the circumstances, the cost of one support person may be allowable under the CJPAF. Generally, if two victims can function as support persons for each other, no additional support person can be authorized. Special exceptions may be granted for victims with disabilities who have special needs that require the assistance of a personal care attendant. To learn more about support persons in reference to CJPAF, visit the CJPAF section under the Victim Toolbox’s Foreign System Participation tab.


Victims’ Rights

  • When the foreign government investigates and prosecutes the foreign terrorist attack, you may or may not have rights under foreign laws during the criminal justice process. We are here to help you find out what rights you may have in a foreign legal system and support your exercise of any rights. Please contact us with your questions.

  • U.S. crime victims’ rights laws do not apply to U.S. citizens during investigations and prosecutions in foreign criminal justice systems.

  • If the FBI opens a U.S. criminal investigation into the attack, the FBI’s Victim Services Division (VSD), is responsible for providing mandatory services to victims, including information about the status of the U.S. investigation of the crime (42 U.S.C. § 10607) .

  • If the U.S. Department of Justice files charges in the U.S. court system related to a foreign attack, victims of that attack have rights during the prosecution (18 U.S.C. § 3771). For more information contact the United States Attorney’s Office that is handling the prosecution or the Crime Victims' Rights Ombudsman at

  • You can also learn more about crime victims’ rights in the U.S. court system from the Justice Department’s Office for Victims of Crime.


Victim Questions

DOJ/OVT has received the following questions from victims and the general public. These questions and answers are intended to provide you information and help clarify the criminal justice response to a terrorist attack that harms U.S. citizens. For additional information not appearing below or suggestions on content, contact us.

We support U.S. victims of terrorism overseas by helping them navigate foreign criminal justice systems and by advocating for their voices to be heard around the world. Learn more about our office.

We will work to keep victims and their families informed about significant developments related to an overseas investigation and prosecution of a terrorist attack. If you have not shared your preferred method of communication with DOJ/OVT staff, please contact us.

In the aftermath of a terrorist attack, a victim’s access to information and support can be very important to them. Sometimes law enforcement or justice personnel may use acronyms, or legal terms and jargon that are unfamiliar. You may not fully understand what we mean, or appreciate how the information impacts you. It can also be stressful or intimidating to talk to people you don’t really know about the terrorist attack. Here are some general tips to help you when talking to us, or other government counterparts:

  • If you have questions, write them down in advance of phone calls or meetings;

  • Take notes during phone calls or meetings, so you will be able to review them later;

  • Ask for resources to address other needs related to the terrorist attack, like emotional health support for you or a loved one;

  • Ask for the person’s contact information, including a preferred method for you to follow up with them;

  • At the conclusion of the meeting, share any concerns and remaining questions. Even if the person can’t answer your questions immediately, he or she may be able to get back to you with more details later;

  • If helpful, bring a support person with you, or identify someone you can talk to before or after the phone call or meeting. This could be a family member, a friend, your clergy, or a mental health resource.

DOJ/OVT’s goal is to provide the most accurate information possible to U.S. victims of overseas terrorism. We strive to provide information that has been verified by a reliable resource. We do not typically provide updates based only on open source information (news reports, social media postings, etc.) that has not been verified. News and social media outlets can sometimes be wrong or misinformed. This means that you may see stories on the news or social media that will not necessarily be provided by our staff as an update to a U.S. victim of overseas terrorism. This is not a reflection of the attention we are paying to it. We care very much about providing you accurate up-to-date information, but we are not always in a position to confirm or deny open source reports.

There is an array of services for victims—medical, mental health and other social services; criminal justice system information; victim advocates to help navigate local, state, federal and/or international systems; and, crime victim expense reimbursement—offered at the local, tribal, state, federal and international levels. To learn more about available services, explore our referrals, resources, and/or contact us.

There are federal, state, local and international government and non-government programs that assist victims of crime, and more specifically U.S. victims of international terrorism. The U.S. Departments of Justice and State, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, have victim assistance-related responsibilities when an act of international terrorism affects U.S. citizens overseas. To learn more about U.S. government victim assistance, visit our referrals. For more resources on crime victim services and organizations and crime victim information, visit our resources.

Terrorist attacks in foreign countries that include United States citizen victims are federal crimes in the United States. The attack is usually also a crime in the country where the attack occurs.

Law enforcement agencies in the country where the attack occurs have sole jurisdiction to investigate crimes within their borders. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) may open an investigation into the matter. The FBI must obtain approval from the foreign government before conducting any investigative activities in that country and the FBI usually works with the local law enforcement for that country. Foreign law enforcement’s ability to investigate crimes can vary greatly based on many factors, including capability, training, resources, and degree of control over the geographical location where the crime occurred.

If law enforcement is able to collect sufficient evidence to bring charges and apprehend the perpetrators, the crime may be prosecuted in court.

Foreign Prosecution

Many times the government of the country where an attack occurs will pursue justice in its own criminal justice system for all of the victims, including U.S. citizen victims. The FBI and United States prosecutors may offer to provide assistance to the foreign government which may or may not accept the offer. Charges and proceedings in the foreign country may be very different from those in the United States. In some countries, the punishment for terrorism crimes may be substantially less than in the United States, while other countries may have comparable penalties, including the death penalty. In some cases, foreign governments have released convicted terrorists before serving their full sentences.

Prosecution in the United States

Early on in the FBI investigation, United States prosecutors will be assigned to work with the FBI. Prosecutors from a United States Attorney’s Office and the Counterterrorism Section in the Department of Justice’s National Security Division will work closely together to evaluate the case for prosecution in the United States. Generally, the following steps are necessary for a prosecution in the United States:

  1. Evidence Collection: Sufficient admissible evidence must be obtained, including from foreign authorities;
  2. Charges: A grand jury must charge the perpetrators in an indictment or the prosecutor must charge the perpetrators through an information or complaint;
  3. Arrest: The persons charged must be arrested either in the United States or overseas;
  4. Extradition (or other lawful removal and return of the suspect): If a charged person is in the custody of a foreign government, the foreign government must agree to transfer the person to the United States to stand trial.

This process can take many years. Sometimes charges are filed in the United States but are not made public. One purpose for nonpublic charges is to make it easier to capture the perpetrators. Although the FBI and prosecutors are generally legally required to provide victims with information about the status of a United States investigation, government staff will not always be able to share particular details about the case because it could interfere with the investigation, would violate a court order, or would otherwise be inappropriate. The United States may not be able to prosecute a case that occurs in a foreign country, even when a foreign nation cooperates with the FBI. Some of the reasons may include:

  • The evidence collected in a foreign country may not be admissible in U.S. courts;

  • The U.S. does not possess sufficient admissible evidence to prove guilt of a perpetrator beyond a reasonable doubt;

  • A foreign country’s prosecution may take precedence;

  • The host country may decide to imprison the perpetrator;

  • The host country may not agree to extradite the perpetrator to the U.S or there may be legal or other obstacles to extradition;

  • The perpetrator cannot be found or apprehended; and

  • There may be concerns about compromising the investigation if an arrest is made while the case is still being investigated.

The decision to hire a lawyer to represent your interests as a victim is a very personal decision based on a number of important factors. While some countries may, as a matter of law or legal tradition, provide victims or their surviving family members with legal representation, the vast majority of countries do not. A comprehensive discussion of the factors to consider before hiring a foreign attorney may be found on the Department of State’s website.

Roles in Civil Legal Systems

Most countries use the civil law system, but the United States uses the common law system. Because of this difference in systems, it can be confusing for U.S. victims of overseas terrorism to understand their role in the civil law system. Visit the Roles in Civil Legal Systems page for more information about each job in the civil law system.

Finding Your Voice, Finding Your Way: A Resource Guide for U.S. Victims of Overseas Terrorism

Welcome to our resource guide, developed to help you organize important paperwork and information. You may want to print these documents and put them in a binder or folder so you can review them at any time.

Organizing all of the information you receive may help you to feel more in control of your circumstances, reducing stress and confusion over the long run.  Being organized can also help you prepare for meetings with government officials, law enforcement, medical or psychological professionals, or victims’ assistance service providers.  In addition, maintaining a system for your records can be important for financial purposes like tax preparation and state and federal crime victim compensation and reimbursement program applications.  A note sheet (see also below) may be especially helpful for keeping track of your questions and notes from meetings and calls.

As you prepare to talk to government officials or service professionals on the phone or in person, we recommend the following:

  1. Schedule calls and meetings when you feel ready to receive information, on days that are not already busy or stressful, and when you can limit any distractions. This will allow you to truly focus on the conversation.

  2. Have a pen and paper ready to take notes.

  3. Ask for the name and contact information of the person you meet or are talking to on the phone, or ask for a business card if in person.

  4. Write down your questions in advance. During a conversation, you may be overwhelmed and forget some things you really want to ask.

  5. Keep business cards organized in an organizer or simple holder, like an envelope. You may want to write down the date and time that you talked to that person on the back of the card.

  6. Keep a file folder with all of the documents you receive, including letters. Create a special email folder if you are communicating by email. You may want to review them in the future, even if they do not seem as important now. Organizing them as they arrive will make this easier.

  7. Ask a family member, friend, religious leader/advisor, or psychological professional to review your questions, or be present for a call or meeting. A support person can not only provide emotional support, they may also help by reminding you of questions or concerns you have voiced.

  8. Ask for resources to address other needs related to the terrorist attack, like emotional health support for you or a loved one.

  9. Whomever you are speaking to may not have all of the answers to your questions. Be prepared to have a follow up conversation or email exchange to allow them time to try to find out more.

  10. When making a phone call, be honest with officials about who is listening. You can also ask who is on the phone with the person you are calling. It is important to build trust on both sides.

Additional Resources

For more resources on crime victim services and organizations and crime victim information, visit our resources section.


Wellness and Resilience

If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, please dial 911 immediately.

Surviving, or losing a loved one, in a terrorist attack or mass casualty event can produce unique challenges. Types of impact include physical injuries, financial burden, family conflict, and emotional upset. Despite common misperception, not all victims and survivors will develop PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); however, it is normal to experience complex or confusing feelings after a traumatic event.

The National Institute of Mental Health defines a traumatic event as "a shocking, scary, or dangerous experience that can affect someone emotionally and physically." Though it may be difficult to ignore a physical injury, too often we overlook mental health injuries such as anger, sadness, isolation, and sleeplessness. Our emotional response may occur immediately or be delayed and may be brief or prolonged. Individual factors such as our age, culture, and existing traumatic history impact how we process the experience.

Regardless of how or when challenges develop, help is available. Below is a collection of resources for anyone thinking about mental health and seeking support. Services include crisis care, connecting to routine counseling, information on supporting a loved one, and more. This is not a comprehensive list but may help guide your search for further information. The links below are not a substitute for seeking appropriate mental health care and should not be considered medical advice or an endorsement of the resources.

  • APA: American Psychological Association
  • CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • FBI/VSD: Federal Bureau of Investigation – Victim Services Division
  • NCTSN: National Child Traumatic Stress Network
  • NIH: National Institute of Health
  • NIMH: National Institute of Mental Health
  • NMVVRC: National Mass Violence Victim Resource Center
  • OVC: Office for Victims of Crime
  • PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • SAMHSA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
  • VA: Department of Veteran Affairs
  • VCRC: Victim Connect Resource Center

Helplines offer emotional support 24/7 and conveniently via talk, text, or type. Whether in crisis, or simply needing an empathic ear, the resources below can link you to qualified, confidential professionals around the country anytime of day.

  • 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, and prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. The Lifeline is comprised of a national network of over 200 local crisis centers, combining custom local care and resources with national standards and best practices.
  • Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, 365-day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters. The Helpline is staffed by trained counselors from a network of crisis call centers located across the United States, and provide counseling support before, during, and after disasters. Staff can also refer people to local disaster-related resources for follow-up care and support.
    • Call/Text: 1(800)989-5990
    • Press “2” for Spanish-speaking support
    • Online Chat: N/A
  • Victim Connect Resource Center is a referral helpline where crime victims can learn about their rights and options confidentially and compassionately. Callers receive strength-based and trauma-informed services and referrals in over 200 languages. Victim Assistance Specialists provide emotional support, information, and referrals that empower visitors as they navigate the physical, emotional, legal, and financial consequences following a crime.
  • Veterans and Military Crisis Line offers free, 24/7, confidential support for veterans and U.S. Service Members. Callers do not need to be enrolled in VA benefits to use the Crisis Line. Responders are trained and qualified, with many being U.S. military veterans. For continuing care, callers can be referred to local VA coordinators capable of connecting veterans to additional counseling and services. The Military Crisis Line is available to all service members, including Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve components.  
  • Office for Victims of Crime: List of Toll Free, Text, and Online Hotlines If you are a victim of a crime, you have many rights and services available to help you. Use this link to get help or find additional information.

The following service directories are designed to help individuals narrow down mental health organizations and providers to their specific needs, specialty, location, and payment methods.

A safety plan is designed to guide you through a crisis by recognizing personal warning signs, using your own coping strategies, identifying social supports, contacting mental health professionals, and ensuring your environment is safe. The following links offer possible templates for making a safety plan that suits you.

Help can now be at your fingertips. If you have a smart phone, the apps below may be useful in accessing support and resources at your convenience.

  • Disaster Mobile App - SAMHSA offers first responders immediate access for any type of traumatic event at every phase of response, including pre-deployment, on-the-ground assistance, and post-deployment resources. Features include tip sheets, guides, and directories of local behavioral health service providers in the impacted area.
  • NMVVRC - Transcend NMVC was developed to assist with recovery from the psychological and behavioral response that can occur following direct or indirect exposure to mass violence incidents. Designed to help reduce the risk of developing problems and enhance recovery if concerns already exist.
  • Mindfulness Coach – National Center for PTSD – was developed to help veterans, service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. The app provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice. The app offers a library of audio-guided mindfulness exercises, goal setting and tracking, and a mastery assessment to help track your progress.
  • Couples Coach – National Center for PTSD – was designed for partners who want to improve their relationship and explore new ways to connect. Couples choose missions – small commitments – to work through on their own or with their partner. There are five levels of training with dozens of missions to explore. Mission help couples increase communication and work through conflict.
  • Insomnia Coach – National Center for PTSD – was created for everyone to manage insomnia, using principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I). The app features a guided, weekly training plan, sleep coach tips and personal feedback on your sleep, an interactive sleep diary, and 17 tools to help you get your sleep back on track.
  • PTSD Coach – National Center for PTSD – was designed for veterans experiencing symptoms of PTSD. Users do not need to be in treatment for PTSD to use this app, but it is not a replacement for therapy. The app is available in English and Spanish. Features include reliable information on PTSD and treatment, tools for screening and tracking symptoms, tools to help handle stress, and direct links to support and help.

Knowing where to begin your mental health journey can sometimes feel overwhelming or confusing. The following links may help answer questions and start you down the path for supporting yourself or someone you love.

In addition to direct victims, the impact of a terrorist attack often extends to family members, intimate partners, close friends, and the greater community. Each experience carries a unique emotional response worthy of validation. It’s important to recognize that you are not alone as you seek justice and healing from your experience.

The links above offer a sample of educational articles and resources to help you begin your healing journey. If you are a victim or surviving family member of an overseas terrorist attack and would like to discuss how our office can help connect you with supportive services, please contact us and ask to speak with our Victim Outreach Specialist.


Anniversaries of traumatic events can be hard, whether it has been one year, fifteen, or fifty years, these specific times of the year may be difficult.

Anniversaries can reactivate thoughts and feelings, making it easy to question your progress, or perceived lack of progress, up to now. If you find yourself experiencing emotions with more intensity around this time, it’s important to remember the “anniversary effect” is a normal part of the healing process. Despite the mind’s natural responses to triggers, there are ways to use anniversaries to shift your outlook, increase resiliency, and overcome emotional obstacles.

  • Increased sadness or feelings of shame
  • Avoiding people or places connected to the original experience
  • Distancing yourself from friends and family
  • Difficulty sleeping or focusing
  • Feeling jumpy or quick to anger
  • Physical discomfort, such as headaches, stomach pain, or fatigue
  • Emotional numbness

  • Develop an emotional safety plan to prepare for reactivated feelings
  • Avoid extra stressors, when possible, like moving or changing jobs
  • Consider which friends and family members are available for support during this time
  • Set boundaries with individuals or situations that cause added stress
  • Keep a journal as an outlet for anxiety, anger, or other challenging emotions
  • Discuss the upcoming anniversary with your mental health professional, or
  • Use it as an opportunity to connect with a trauma-informed therapist

  • Take a personal day and engage in activities you enjoy
  • Donate to a charitable organization with a mission you or your loved one support(ed)
  • Engage in a physical activity you enjoy or an activity you find restorative, like a yoga or mindfulness practice
  • Plant a tree or plant as a symbol of growth and resilience
  • Connect with other victims and survivors to express support and foster community
  • If possible and appropriate for you, visit the event’s memorial with a support person
  • Reflect on where you are now and celebrate accomplishments

APA. (2020). Anxiety, Sadness May Increase on Anniversary of a Traumatic Event. American Psychological Association.  

De Lorenzo, C. (2018). 7 Self-Care Strategies You Can Use to Manage Trauma Triggers, According to Experts. Bustle.

Hendriksen, E. (2016). 5 Ways t Deal with Anniversary Reactions. Psychology Today.

McGee, L. (2023). Making It Through a Trauma Anniversary. The Viva Center.

Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors. (2023). Ways to Celebrate or Honor Your Trauma Anniversary. Phoenix Society for Burn Survivors. 

PTSD: National Center for PTSD. (2022). Trauma Reminders: Anniversaries. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. 

Rodriguez-Cayro, K. (2018). What to Do to Prepare for a Trauma Anniversary, According to Mental Health Experts. Bustle.

Anniversaries act as reminders of past experiences and can provoke both positive and negative reactions. The healing process is different for everyone and there is no prescribed timeline for what it looks like or how long it should take. Do what’s best for you based on the life you lead.

For more information on accessing mental health services and resources, visit the Find Help link from our colleagues at SAMHSA.

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Following a traumatic event or significant loss, it’s normal for others to reach out with well-wishes, comments, or questions about your experience and well-being. Some of those words will be comforting, while others may not be. For this reason, it’s helpful to create boundaries around how you wish to engage with others.

Boundaries include limits on your time, emotions, conversations, and physical space. It can include requesting the opportunity to work through difficult emotions in your own way, choosing not to discuss the details of your experience, or declining physical contact (hugs, handshakes, etc.).

When creating a boundary strategy, recognize its difference from isolation. While it can seem safer to shut the world out, it’s not mentally healthy (Messelt, 2024). When used successfully, setting proper boundaries can help us remain peacefully engaged with the people we care about without conflict, and without compromising our comfort.

Use the following strategies to develop a plan for setting boundaries with people who mean well:

  1. Set your personal limits

    Consider which details of the experience you feel comfortable sharing (Northside Psychology 2023). Reflect on the personal aspects you find emotionally, culturally, or spiritually important.

    If you do choose to talk about your experience, define what is a boundary for you. This may include how you prefer to be contacted (in-person, email, phone, text, social media), physical contact (hugs, hand holding, back pats), or topics (details of the event, your emotions, how you’re processing the situation).

  2. Prepare a general response

    If you’re concerned about being caught off guard by questions or comments, prepare what you’d like to say. As needed, write down the words you’ll use. Be open where you’re comfortable and set limits where you’re not comfortable.

    A prepared response helps prevent unintended disclosures or emotional reactions and provides a level of control (PTSDUK, 2024). Adjust your response based on the circumstances you encounter, such as returning to work, attending a gathering, or meeting a friend.

  3. Be Clear

    Once you’ve determined your boundaries, state them directly and in a manner you’d want to receive it. This can be all at once to a group, or individually as the situations arise.

    While it’s important to state what you don’t like, it’s equally relevant to be clear about what you do like. Help others understand how you prefer to be supported during this difficult time.

  4. Be assertive, but not aggressive

    When stating boundaries clearly and directly, understand the distinction between assertiveness (self-confident, positive, self-assured) and aggression (hostile, antagonistic, belligerent) (Maloney & Moore, 2020).

    Expressing boundaries in anger or by avoiding personal interaction could lead to losing those individuals from your life. Additionally, a passive approach may also create issues as friends and family will be unsure of your boundary’s flexibility.

  5. Redirect the conversation

    If a person attempts to discuss your experience in a way that makes you uncomfortable, move the discussion in another direction (PTSDUK, 2024). You might say, “I understand your curiosity, but I’d rather talk about something else. How was your weekend?”

  6. Be consistent

    Reenforce your boundaries as needed. While many will respect your requests for privacy, others may not catch on quickly. Remain consistent in expressing your wishes and what you are unwilling to discuss. Over time those boundaries may shift, and it’s okay to adjust as this occurs.

  7. Prepare for pushback

    Despite your best efforts of being clear, assertive, and consistent, there will be some who won’t respond positively to your boundaries. Your priority should remain your personal well-being. True respect comes from acknowledging and observing someone’s boundaries, regardless of whether a person understands or agrees (Northside Psychology, 2023).

    If someone refuses to respect the general boundaries expressed, it may be better to further limit your interactions with them.

  8. Prioritize relationships that support your boundaries

    Make time for the people who respect your wishes and make interactions feel safe (Northside Psychology, 2023). Pay attention to the relationship dynamics created by setting boundaries, and make social decisions based on how others accept your boundaries.

  9. Seek support

    If discussing your experience becomes overwhelming, it may be time to seek support from a licensed clinical professional to help set and maintain boundaries (PTSDUK, 2024). Additionally, you may find support with coping strategies, identifying activating events, and navigating challenging situations.

  10. Go easy on yourself

    For many of us, setting boundaries can leave us feeling guilty or harsh, especially if it’s not something you are used to doing (Northside Psychology, 2024). Remember to practice self-compassion as you prioritize your health and well-being. Over time, you may adjust your boundaries based on where you are in life. Be flexible and recognize there is not an established timeline for what you’re experiencing. Your boundaries last however long and for whatever reason you choose.

    Celebrate your progress with every step made in establishing and asserting your boundaries (Northside Psychology, 2023). By clearly and consistently communicating your limits, you reinforce your right to be respected and create healthier social interactions.

When confronted with uncomfortable comments and questions, it can be challenging to come up with the right words. Consider the following responses to draw a healthy line with people who mean well:

Physical Interactions:

  • “Instead of hugging, how about a handshake?”
  • “Hugging isn’t really my thing, but I appreciate the gesture.”
  • Initiate <handshake, fist bump, elbow bump> first

Verbal Interactions:

  • “I’m touched by your concern, but I’d rather not talk about it.”
  • “There are details I’m not comfortable discussing right now.”
  • “That’s as far as I’m willing to go on that topic.”
  • “Moving forward, I’d appreciate only discussing those things in private.”
  • “It’s comforting to know you care, but I’m not prepared to discuss that right now.”
  • “It’s not something I want to discuss, but thank you for checking in.”

Social Interactions:

  • “I appreciate the invite, but I won’t be attending for personal reasons. Thank you for understanding.”
  • “Thanks for the invite. I plan to attend; however, I can only stay for <insert comfortable time>.”
  • “This has been a challenging year and I need time to myself right now.”
  • “I’m not comfortable in a group setting but would love to catch up one-on-one with you sometime.”

Navigating social engagements after a traumatic experience can be challenging, especially with friends, family and colleagues who mean well but struggle for the right words. Setting healthy boundaries not only fosters a safer emotional environment but communicates your needs to the people in your life during a difficult time.

The next time you find yourself pushing through an uncomfortable conversation, consider using one of the strategies above. For more information about accessing support resources, please feel free to contact us at the Office of Justice for Victims of Overseas Terrorism.

If you’re experiencing emotional distress, help is available by calling or texting 988 for confidential, 24/7 support from a trained counselor.

10 Tips to Set Healthy Boundaries after Trauma. (2023, October 24). Northside Psychology. Retrieved March 28, 2024,

Gregory, A. (2022. November 4). 35 Scripts for Trauma Survivors to Set Family Boundaries: A Comprehensive Cheat Sheet. Psychology Today.

Maloney, M. M., & Moore, P. (2020). From Aggressive to Assertive. International Journal of Women’s Dermatology. 6(1), 46-49.

Messelt, J. (2024) Loneliness: Grief’s Unintended Guest. Hospice Red River Valley.

Nash, J. (2018). How to Set Healthy Boundaries & Build Positive Relationships. Positive Psychology.

Navigating Trauma and Boundaries with Respect. (2024). PTSDUK. Retrieved March 28, 2024,