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Community Outreach

The United States Attorney’s Office is committed not only to prosecuting those who violate the law, but also to preventing crime and helping those who have completed prison sentences return to our communities. Our outreach programs keep us in touch with the public we serve and build safer communities with the help of residents, community leaders, non-governmental organizations, local governments, and educators. If you would like to request a speaker on a particular topic or to engage more generally with our office on outreach efforts, please call our main number at (405) 553-8700 and ask to speak with the Law Enforcement Coordinator.


In addition to prosecution, our work embraces two areas of outreach: preventing crime and facilitating re-entry into the community for those recently incarcerated.


Crime Prevention

We prevent violent and other crimes by partnering with organizations, schools, and community leaders to reach those who are most at risk. Some of our prevention programs include gang violence intervention, mentoring, youth symposia, youth job shadowing events, faith group security, and human-trafficking and drug-intervention awareness. By actively engaging and supporting the communities we serve, we seek to prevent crime by being neighborhood problem-solvers and not simply case processors. Some of our outreach efforts are:

     School/Civic Outreach: We provide educational briefings to civic organizations and students from elementary school through college regarding gangs, drugs, firearms, cyber issues, etc.


We assist recently incarcerated individuals who are striving to become productive and positive members of our communities. Our office supports job training for these individuals and assistance in developing life skills. To raise awareness about the issues these individuals face, we host and attend seminars, symposia, and community events to share information and to garner support for re-entry programs.

     Roadmap to Re-entry Video: This presentation informs and educates Oklahoma-based companies about the positive effects of hiring formerly incarcerated individuals, both for their organizations and for the people they are hiring and their families.

     Probation and Parole Reentry Program ("PPREP"): Along with federal and state law enforcement partners, we meet with individuals soon after their release from federal and state custody. The program provides information about the coordinated efforts of federal, state, and local     authorities to prosecute gun offenders to the fullest extent of the law, as well as about the potentially severe legal consequences of gun and drug crimes. It also aims to inspire these individuals to seek re-entry services to improve their lives.

Updated July 7, 2020