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Title 3: EOUSA

3-14.000 - Space Management

3-14.100 Policy
3-14.110 General Description
3-14.111 Additional Space
3-14.112 Release of Space
3-14.200 Parking Space

3-14.100 - Policy

Title 41, C.F.R. Part 101-17, Assignment and Utilization of Space, provides procedures governing the assignment and utilization of space in Federal or leased facilities under the custody and control of the General Services Administration (GSA). Authority for acquisition, relocation, alteration or release of space has been delegated to EOUSA.

Limitations: In accordance with the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-473, October 12, 1984), the following limitation applies to renovating, remodeling, furnishing, or redecorating the office of any Government employee appointed by the President:

  1. Sec. 619. During the period in which the head of any department or agency, or any other officer or civilian employee of the Government appointed by the President of the United States, holds office, no funds may be obligated or expended in excess of $5,000 to renovate, remodel, furnish, or redecorate the office of such department head, agency head, officer, or employee, or to purchase furniture or make improvements for any such office, unless such renovation, remodeling, furnishing, or redecoration is expressly approved by the Committees on Appropriations of the House and the Senate.

[updated February 2018] [cited in JM 3-1.200]

3-14.110 - General Description

The office of the United States Attorney functions within the court basically as an independent law firm whose sole client is the United States Government. The United States Attorney represents the government in all cases, both civil and criminal, to which the government is a party or in which it has an interest.

Functional arrangement of the United States Attorney’s space requires public access to the reception area. All perimeter space beyond this point should be secured for access of United States Attorney personnel and authorized visitors.

[updated February 2018]

3-14.111 - Additional Space

If a determination is made that additional office space is required, the Assistant Director, Facilities Management and Support Services Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, should be contacted. Written justification for the request should be provided, addressing additional personnel authorized, overcrowded or insufficient space to house presently authorized staff, or the lack of support space.

[cited in JM 3-1.200] [updated February 2018] 

3-14.112 - Release of Space

If contacted by the General Services Administration (GSA), U.S. Courts, or others requesting the release of space or relocation of your office, please contact the Assistant Director, Facilities Management and Support Services Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, immediately.

[updated February 2018]

3-14.200 - Parking Space

The Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR) CFR Title 41, Chapter 101-20.104(1)(2)(3) states, “agencies should assign parking spaces in this order: severely handicapped, executive personnel working unusual hours, van/car pools, POV’s used for government business 12 days per month and which qualify for reimbursement travel.”

It is the general policy of the Executive Office for United States Attorneys to provide parking spaces for official government vehicles permanently assigned to the United States Attorneys’ offices (USAO).  Parking for employee owned vehicles will be provided whenever possible consistent with the following criteria.  These are ranked in priority order.

  1. Official Government owned or leased vehicle(s)
  2. Employees disabled under the Rehabilitation Act/Americans with Disabilities Act.
  3. United States Attorney (USA).
  4. USA (discretionary) space (The USA can use this space for any purpose related to official business, such as a temporary space for USAO visitors).
  5. Paid Supervisory Assistant United States Attorneys only (Attorneys in AD Pay Plan 31-37).
  6. Senior Litigative Counsel Attorneys
  7. Administrative Officer
  8. Operational space (USAs may request an “operational space” for each branch office. This space may be used for visitors, deliveries, etc.  It may not be used on a permanent basis for employees otherwise not entitled to parking).
  9. USAs  may also request one parking space for each unstaffed office.  Such requests will require a strong justification and must demonstrate frequent use.

The USA may assign temporarily unused parking spaces when a vacancy occurs among the AD 31-37 staff.

Parkers using a temporarily unused pass for more than 40 consecutive hours are liable for the taxable fringe benefit in the event that they park in a taxable parking space.

Parking requests for disabled employees must include a copy of the employee’s state-issued handicapped parking placard and DMV-issued handicapped identification card.  The placard must be displayed in the employee’s vehicle at the time of use.

Disabled employee means an employee who has a severe, permanent impairment that for all practical purposes precludes the use of public transportation, or an employee who is unable to operate a car as a result of permanent impairment who is driven to work by another.  (See 41 CFR § 102-71.20)

Please note that some parking benefits are taxable. 

[updated February 2018]