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2020 Hate Crime Statistics

2020 hate crimes statistics

FBI Releases 2020 Hate Crime Statistics

The FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program serves as the national repository for crime data voluntarily collected and submitted by law enforcement. Its primary objective is to generate reliable information for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. The 2020 hate crimes data, submitted by 15,138 law enforcement agencies, provide information about the offenses, victims, offenders, and locations of hate crimes. Of these agencies who submitted incident reports, there were 8,263 hate crime incidents involving 11,129 offenses.

Below are some highlights from the data.

Victims of Hate Crime Incidents

  • 8,052 single-bias incidents involved 11,126 victims
  • In 211 incidents, a total of 346 victims were targeted because of more than one bias

Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2020

Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2020

Single-bias Incident Bias Motivations by Category in 2020

Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2020

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Offenses by Crime Category Known Offenders Location Type

Among the 11,129 hate crime offenses reported:

  • Crimes against persons: 69.6%
  • Crimes against property: 28.2%
  • Crimes against society: 2.2%


Of the 6,780 known offenders:

  • 55.1% were White
  • 21.2% were Black or African American
  • 15.7% race unknown

Other races accounted for the remaining known offenders.

Of the 6,169 known offenders for whom ethnicity was reported:

  • 39.3% were Not Hispanic or Latino
  • 10.2% were Hispanic or Latino
  • 2.4% were in a group of multiple ethnicities
  • 48.1% ethnicity unknown

Of the 6,264 known offenders for whom ages were known:

  • 89.1% were 18 years of age or older

Law enforcement agencies may specify the location of an offense within a hate crime incident as 1 of 46 location designations.

  • Most hate crime incidents, 28.9%, occurred in or near residences/homes
  • 19.9% occurred on highways/roads/alleys/streets/sidewalks
  • 6.5% happened in parking/drop lots/garages
  • 4.2% occurred at schools/colleges
  • 3.6% occurred at parks/playgrounds
  • 3.4% took place in churches/synagogues/temples/mosques
  • The location was reported as other/unknown of 8.6% of hate crime incidents

The remaining 24.8% of hate crime incidents took place at other or multiple locations.



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Bias Motivation Categories for Victims of Single-bias Incidents in 2020: This is a pie chart showing the percentage of bias motivation categories for victims of single-bias incidents in 2020. They are as follows:

Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry 61.8%
Religion 13.3%
Sexual Orientation 20.0%
Gender Identity 2.7%
Disability 1.4%
Gender 0.7%

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Single-bias Incident Bias Motivations by Category: This is a bar chart comparing the 2019 and 2020 data for bias motivation categories for single bias incidents. They are as follows:

Bias Motivation Categories 2019 2020
Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry 3,963 5,227
Religion 1,521 1,244
Sexual Orientation 1,195 1,110
Gender Identity 198 266
Disability 157 130
Gender 69 75
Total 7,103 8,052

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Updated October 30, 2023