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Chapter 6 - Hearings

6.5 - Record of Hearings

(a) Generally

A verbatim written record of all hearings will be kept by OCAHO. All evidence upon which the ALJ relies for decision will be contained in the transcript of testimony, either directly or by appropriate reference. All exhibits introduced as evidence will be marked for identification and incorporated into the record.

(b) Transcripts

Parties and the public may obtain transcripts of the hearing from the official court reporter of record. The parties will be responsible for any fees in connection with obtaining the transcript for their own use.

(c) Corrections to the Official Transcript

Any party wishing to make corrections to the official transcript must file a motion for correction within 10 days of the receipt of the transcript by the ALJ, or within such other time as may be permitted by the ALJ. Corrections will be permitted only when errors of substance are involved, and only upon approval of the ALJ.