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Chapter 3 - Filing and Service of Pleadings

3.6 - Amendments to Pleadings; Supplemental Pleadings

(a) Amendments to Pleadings

The ALJ may allow appropriate amendments to complaints and other pleadings at any time prior to the issuance of the ALJ’s final order in a case, if a determination on the merits of the case would be facilitated by the amendment. The ALJ may place conditions on amendments as necessary to avoid prejudicing the public interest and the rights of the parties.

(b) Supplemental Pleadings

Upon reasonable notice and just terms, the ALJ may allow parties to file supplemental pleadings setting forth transactions or events that have occurred or new law promulgated since the date of the pleadings, if relevant to any of the issues involved.

(c) Issues not Raised by the Pleadings

When issues not raised by the pleadings are reasonably within the scope of the original complaint and are tried by express or implied consent of the parties, they will be treated in all respects as if they had been raised in the pleadings. The ALJ may allow the parties to make amendments as necessary to make the pleadings conform to the evidence.