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Chapter 4 - Hearings Before the Immigration Judges

4.11 - Interpreters

Interpreters are provided at government expense to individuals whose command of the English language is inadequate to fully understand and participate in removal proceedings.  In general, the immigration court endeavors to accommodate the language needs of all respondents and witnesses.  The immigration court will arrange for an interpreter both during the individual calendar hearing and, if necessary, the master calendar hearing.  See 8 C.F.R. § 1003.22Chapter 4.15(o) (Other Requests). 

The immigration court uses staff interpreters employed by the immigration court, contract interpreters, and telephonic interpretation services.  Staff interpreters take an oath to interpret and translate accurately at the time they are employed by the Department of Justice.  Contract interpreters take an oath to interpret and translate accurately in court.  See 8 C.F.R. § 1003.22.