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Appendix C: Acronyms

APG: Agency Priority Goals

APP: Annual Performance Plan

APR: Annual Performance Report

ATF: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

ATJ: Office for Access to Justice

ATR: Antitrust Division 

BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

BOP: Federal Bureau of Prisons

CIV: Civil Division

COPS: Community Oriented Policing Services

CRM: Criminal Division

CRS: Community Relations Services

CRT: Civil Rights Division

DAG: Deputy Attorney General

DEA: Drug Enforcement Agency

DEIA: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

DOJ: Department of Justice

DTO: Drug Trafficking Organization

ENRD: Environmental and Natural Resources Division

EO: Executive Order

EOIR: Executive Office of Immigration Review

FARA: Foreign Agents Registration Act

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation

FCSC: Foreign Claims Settlement Commission

FEVS: Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

FOIA: Freedom of Information Act

FSA: First Step Act

FY: Fiscal Year

HR: Human Resources 

ICOR: Immigration Court Online Resource 

JMD: Justice Management Division

KPI: Key Performance Indicator

LEP: Limited English Proficiency

LGBTQI+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Community 

NCIJTF: National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force

NIBRS: National Incident Base Reporting System

NICS: National Instant Criminal Background Check System

NIJ: National Institute of Justice

NSD: National Security Division 

OAG: Office of the Attorney General

OASG: Office of the Associate Attorney General

OCDETF: Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces

ODAG: Office of the Deputy Attorney General

OCIO: Office of the Chief Information Officer

OIG: Office of the Inspector General

OIP: Office of Information Policy

OJP: Office of Justice Programs

OLA: Office of Legislative Affairs

OLC: Office of Legal Counsel

OLP: Office of Legal Policy

OMB: Office of Management and Budget

OPA: Office of Public Affairs

OPCL: Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties

OPR: Office of Professional Responsibility

OSG: Office of the Solicitor General

OTJ: Office of Tribal Justice

OVW: Office on Violence Against Women

PARDON: Office of the Pardon Attorney

SPPS: Strategic Planning and Performance Staff 

TAX: Tax Division 

USAO: Unites States Attorney's Office

USERRA: Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act

USMS: United States Marshals Service

USNCB: United States National Central Bureau (Interpol)

USPC: United States Parole Commission

USTP: United States Trustee Program

VOCA: Victims of Crimes Act

VRA: Voting Rights Act