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This matter was brought to the United States' attention when 28 current and former female COs at WHV filed charges of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  These 28 women are referred to as the Charging Parties. 

If you are a Charging Party, you may be entitled to receive three types of awards in the settlement of this case:

  1. Service Award - You are entitled to a service award, which is a sum of money based on your particular service in bringing this case by filing a charge of discrimination.
    * In order to receive your service award, you must submit an Acceptance of Individual Award and Release of Claims Form.
  2. Monetary Relief Award - You may also be eligible to receive a monetary relief award, which is money to make up for some of the pain and suffering and/or emotional distress you may have suffered as a result of the long-term transfer freeze at WHV.
    * In order to request this additional money, you must have submitted an Interest-in-Relief Form by April 19, 2021, and been found eligible by the court. In order to receive your monetary relief award, you must submit an Acceptance of Individual Award and Release of Claims Form
  3. Consideration for Priority Transfer – You may also be eligible to be considered for a priority transfer out of WHV, if you currently work at WHV and meet the conditions required for transfer. Charging Parties will be given preference for the 15 priority transfers, in order of number of continuous service hours.

    * In order to request consideration for priority transfer, you must have submitted an Interest-in-Relief Form by April 19, 2021, and been found eligible by the court. In order to be invited to apply for a priority transfer, you must submit an Acceptance of Individual Award and Release of Claims Form.
Updated December 16, 2021