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3. Rebuttal Evidence Showing That No Substantial Lessening of Competition Is Threatened by the Merger

The Agencies may assess whether a merger may substantially lessen competition or tend to create a monopoly based on a fact-specific analysis under any one or more of the Guidelines discussed above. [Endnote 56] The Supreme Court has determined that analysis should consider “other pertinent factors” that may “mandate[] a conclusion that no substantial lessening of competition [is] threatened by the acquisition.” [Endnote 57] The factors pertinent to rebuttal depend on the nature of the threat to competition or tendency to create a monopoly resulting from the merger.

Several common types of rebuttal and defense evidence are subject to legal tests established by the courts. The Agencies apply those tests consistent with prevailing law, as described below.

3.1. Failing Firms

When merging parties suggest the weak or weakening financial position of one of the merging parties will prevent a lessening of competition, the Agencies examine that evidence under the “failing firm” defense established by the Supreme Court. This defense applies when the assets to be acquired would imminently cease playing a competitive role in the market even absent the merger.

As set forth by the Supreme Court, the failing firm defense has three requirements:

  1. “[T]he evidence show[s] that the [failing firm] face[s] the grave probability of a business failure.” [Endnote 58] The Agencies typically look for evidence in support of this element that the allegedly failing firm would be unable to meet its financial obligations in the near future. Declining sales and/or net losses, standing alone, are insufficient to show this requirement.

  2. “The prospects of reorganization of [the failing firm are] dim or nonexistent.” [Endnote 59] The Agencies typically look for evidence suggesting that the failing firm would be unable to reorganize successfully under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Act, taking into account that “companies reorganized through receivership, or through [the Bankruptcy Act] often emerge[] as strong competitive companies.” [Endnote 60] Evidence of the firm’s actual attempts to resolve its debt with creditors is important.

  3. “[T]he company that acquires the failing [firm] or brings it under dominion is the only available purchaser.” [Endnote 61] The Agencies typically look for evidence that a company has made unsuccessful good-faith efforts to elicit reasonable alternative offers that pose a less severe danger to competition than does the proposed merger. [Endnote 62]

Although merging parties sometimes argue that a poor or weakening position should serve as a defense even when it does not meet these elements, the Supreme Court has “confine[d] the failing company doctrine to its present narrow scope.” [Endnote 63] The Agencies evaluate evidence of a failing firm consistent with this prevailing law. [Endnote 64]

3.2. Entry and Repositioning

Merging parties sometimes raise a rebuttal argument that a reduction in competition resulting from the merger would induce entry or repositioning [Endnote 65] into the relevant market, preventing the merger from substantially lessening competition or tending to create a monopoly in the first place. This argument posits that a merger may, by substantially lessening competition, make the market more profitable for the merged firm and any remaining competitors, and that this increased profitability may induce new entry. To evaluate this rebuttal evidence, the Agencies assess whether entry induced by the merger would be “timely, likely, and sufficient in its magnitude, character, and scope to deter or counteract the competitive effects of concern.” [Endnote 66]


To show that no substantial lessening of competition is threatened by a merger, entry must be rapid enough to replace lost competition before any effect from the loss of competition due to the merger may occur. Entry in most industries takes a significant amount of time and is therefore insufficient to counteract any substantial lessening of competition that is threatened by a merger. Moreover, the entry must be durable: an entrant that does not plan to sustain its investment or that may exit the market would not ensure long-term preservation of competition.


Entry induced by lost competition must be so likely that no substantial lessening of competition is threatened by the merger. Firms make entry decisions based on the market conditions they expect once they participate in the market. If the new entry is sufficient to counteract the merger’s effect on competition, the Agencies analyze why the merger would induce entry that was not planned in pre-merger competitive conditions.

The Agencies also assess whether the merger may increase entry barriers. For example, the merging firms may have a greater ability to discourage or block new entry when combined than they would have as separate firms. Mergers may enable or incentivize unilateral or coordinated exclusionary strategies that make entry more difficult. Entry can be particularly challenging when a firm must enter at multiple levels of the market at sufficient scale to compete effectively.


Even where timely and likely, the prospect of entry may not effectively prevent a merger from threatening a substantial lessening of competition. Entry may be insufficient due to a wide variety of constraints that limit an entrant’s effectiveness as a competitor. Entry must at least replicate the scale, strength, and durability of one of the merging parties to be considered sufficient. The Agencies typically do not credit entry that depends on lessening competition in other markets.

As part of their analysis, the Agencies will consider the economic realities at play. For example, lack of successful entry in the past will likely suggest that entry may be slow or difficult. Recent examples of entry, whether successful or unsuccessful, provide the starting point for identifying the elements of practical entry barriers and the features of the industry that facilitate or interfere with entry. The Agencies will also consider whether the parties’ entry arguments are consistent with the rationale for the merger or imply that the merger itself would be unprofitable.

3.3. Procompetitive Efficiencies

The Supreme Court has held that “possible economies [from a merger] cannot be used as a defense to illegality.” [Endnote 67] Competition usually spurs firms to achieve efficiencies internally, and firms also often work together using contracts short of a merger to combine complementary assets without the full anticompetitive consequences of a merger.

Merging parties sometimes raise a rebuttal argument that, notwithstanding other evidence that competition may be lessened, evidence of procompetitive efficiencies shows that no substantial lessening of competition is in fact threatened by the merger. This argument asserts that the merger would not substantially lessen competition in any relevant market in the first place. [Endnote 68] When assessing this argument, the Agencies will not credit vague or speculative claims, nor will they credit benefits outside the relevant market that would not prevent a lessening of competition in the relevant market. Rather, the Agencies examine whether the evidence [Endnote 69] presented by the merging parties shows each of the following:

Merger Specificity

The merger will produce substantial competitive benefits that could not be achieved without the merger under review. [Endnote 70] Alternative ways of achieving the claimed benefits are considered in making this determination. Alternative arrangements could include organic growth of one of the merging firms, contracts between them, mergers with others, or a partial merger involving only those assets that give rise to the procompetitive efficiencies.


These benefits are verifiable, and have been verified, using reliable methodology and evidence not dependent on the subjective predictions of the merging parties or their agents.

Procompetitive efficiencies are often speculative and difficult to verify and quantify, and efficiencies projected by the merging firms often are not realized. If reliable methodology for verifying efficiencies does not exist or is otherwise not presented by the merging parties, the Agencies are unable to credit those efficiencies.

Prevents a Reduction in Competition

To the extent efficiencies merely benefit the merging firms, they are not cognizable. The merging parties must demonstrate through credible evidence that, within a short period of time, the benefits will prevent the risk of a substantial lessening of competition in the relevant market.

Not Anticompetitive

Any benefits claimed by the merging parties are cognizable only if they do not result from the anticompetitive worsening of terms for the merged firm’s trading partners. [Endnote 71]

Procompetitive efficiencies that satisfy each of these criteria are called cognizable efficiencies.

To successfully rebut evidence that a merger may substantially lessen competition, cognizable efficiencies must be of a nature, magnitude, and likelihood that no substantial lessening of competition is threatened by the merger in any relevant market. Cognizable efficiencies that would not prevent the creation of a monopoly cannot justify a merger that may tend to create a monopoly.

[Endnote 56] See United States v. AT&T, Inc., 916 F.3d at 1032.

[Endnote 57] See United States v. Gen. Dynamics Corp., 415 U.S. 486, 498 (1974); Baker Hughes, 908 F.2d at 990 (quoting General Dynamics and describing its holding as permitting rebuttal based on a “finding that ‘no substantial lessening of competition occurred or was threatened by the acquisition’”).

[Endnote 58] Citizen Publ’g Co. v. United States, 394 U.S. 131, 138 (1969).

[Endnote 59] Id.

[Endnote 60] Id.

[Endnote 61] Id. at 136-39 (quoting Int’l Shoe Co. v. FTC, 280 U.S. 291, 302 (1930)).

[Endnote 62] Any offer to purchase the assets of the failing firm for a price above the liquidation value of those assets will be regarded as a reasonable alternative offer. Parties must solicit reasonable alternative offers before claiming that the business is failing. Liquidation value is the highest value the assets could command outside the market. If a reasonable alternative offer was rejected, the parties cannot claim that the business is failing.

[Endnote 63] Citizen Publ’g, 394 U.S. at 139.

[Endnote 64] The Agencies do not normally credit claims that the assets of a division would exit the relevant market in the near future unless: (1) applying cost allocation rules that reflect true economic costs, the division has a persistently negative cash flow on an operating basis, and such negative cash flow is not economically justified for the firm by benefits such as added sales in complementary markets or enhanced customer goodwill; and (2) the owner of the failing division has made unsuccessful good-faith efforts to elicit reasonable alternative offers that would keep its assets in the relevant market and pose a less severe danger to competition than does the proposed acquisition. Because firms can allocate costs, revenues, and intra-company transactions among their subsidiaries and divisions, the Agencies require evidence that is not solely based on management plans that could have been prepared for the purpose of demonstrating negative cash flow or the prospect of exit from the relevant market.

[Endnote 65] Repositioning is a supply-side response that is evaluated like entry. If repositioning requires movement of assets from other markets, the Agencies will consider the costs and competitive effects of doing so. Repositioning that would reduce competition in the markets from which products or services are moved is not a cognizable rebuttal for a lessening of competition in the relevant market.

[Endnote 66] FTC v. Sanford Health, 926 F.3d 959, 965 (8th Cir. 2019).

[Endnote 67] Phila. Nat’l Bank, 374 U.S. at 371; Procter & Gamble Co., 386 U.S. at 580 (“Congress was aware that some mergers which lessen competition may also result in economies but it struck the balance in favor of protecting competition.”).

[Endnote 68] United States v. Anthem, 855 F.3d 345, 353-55 (D.C. Cir. 2017) (although efficiencies not a “defense” to antitrust liability, evidence sometimes used “to rebut a prima facie case”); Saint Alphonsus Medical Center-Nampa, 778 F.3d at 791 (“The Clayton Act focuses on competition, and the claimed efficiencies therefore must show that the prediction of anticompetitive effects from the prima facie case is inaccurate.”).

[Endnote 69] In general, evidence related to efficiencies developed prior to the merger challenge is much more probative than evidence developed during the Agencies’ investigation or litigation.

[Endnote 70] If inter-firm collaborations are achievable by contract, they are not merger specific. The Agencies will credit the merger specificity of efficiencies only in the presence of evidence that a contract to achieve the asserted efficiencies would not be practical. See Anthem, 855 F.3d at 357.

[Endnote 71] The Agencies will not credit efficiencies if they reflect or require a decrease in competition in a separate market. For example, if input costs are expected to decrease, the cost savings will not be treated as an efficiency if they reflect an increase in monopsony power.