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Organization And Functions Manual

16. Other OJP Offices

OJP's American Indian and Alaskan Native Desk (AI/AN) works to improve outreach to these communities. AI/AN works to enhance OJP's response to tribes by coordinating funding, training, and technical assistance and providing information about available OJP resources.

The Executive Office for Weed and Seed (EOWS) also is within OJP. EOWS is dedicated to building stronger, safer communities through the Weed and Seed strategy, a community-based, multi-disciplinary approach to combating crime. EOWS works closely with U. S. Attorneys to implement Operation Weed and Seed in communities throughout the country.

Six offices within OJP provide agency-wide administrative and/or financial management support. They are the Office of Congressional and Public Affairs (OCPA), the Office of General Counsel (OGC), the Office of Personnel (OP), the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the Office of Budget and Management Services (OBMS), and the Office of the Comptroller (OC).

For further information about OJP and its programs, or for a copy of the OJP Resource Guide, which describes OJP programs and other resources, contact the Department of Justice Response Center at 1-800/421-6770 (202/307-1480 in Metropolitan D.C.) or use the Internet to access the OJP homepage on the Worldwide Web at

For ordering and other information about OJP publications, contact NIJ's National Criminal Justice Reference Service at 1-800/851-3420 (301/251-5500 in Metropolitan D.C.) or on the Internet at or call one of the OJP clearinghouses listed below.

BJA Clearinghouse

Juvenile Justice Clearinghouse Center

National Victims Resource

[cited in USAM 1-2.305]