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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center
Connecticut Drug Threat Assessment Update
July 2002


The availability and abuse of powdered cocaine and crack cocaine likely will continue to pose the greatest threats to Connecticut because these drugs are highly addictive and frequently associated with violent crime. Connecticut-based African American, Dominican, Jamaican, Mexican, Puerto Rican, and other Hispanic criminal groups will continue to purchase kilogram quantities of cocaine from Colombian and Dominican criminal groups based in New York City and distribute retail quantities in the state.

The threat posed by the availability and abuse of low cost, high purity heroin will continue to increase, and heroin most likely will replace cocaine as Connecticut's greatest drug threat. The drug will continue to appeal to a new, younger abuser population. Treatment admissions and deaths associated with heroin abuse will likely continue to increase as well.

The availability and abuse of marijuana will remain stable at high levels. Established Mexican criminal groups will probably continue to supply Mexico-produced marijuana and marijuana produced in Arizona, southern California, and Texas to Connecticut. Law enforcement will continue to seize large-scale grows of hundreds of cannabis plants, especially in the Northwest and East Districts.

ODDs such as MDMA, GHB, and ketamine will continue to gain popularity among young individuals who perceive them to be less of a threat than other drugs. Raves will continue to be popular venues for the distribution of ODDs. Some of the groups that distribute other drugs such as heroin and cocaine may also begin to distribute MDMA.

Methamphetamine production, distribution, and abuse are not likely to present a serious threat to Connecticut in the near future. The drug is rarely distributed or abused, and there are no indications that this situation will change.


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