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Massachusetts Drug Threat Assessment Update
April 2002

Other Dangerous Drugs

The abuse of other dangerous drugs (ODDs)--including the stimulant MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), the depressant GHB (gamma-hydroxybutyrate), the hallucinogens LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and ketamine, and diverted pharmaceuticals--is a serious concern in Massachusetts. Teenagers and young adults frequently distribute and abuse ODDs at nightclubs, raves, and on college campuses, and abuse rates appear to be increasing.



Law enforcement officials report that MDMA is commonly available throughout the state. Most of the MDMA available in Massachusetts is produced outside the United States, typically in laboratories in the Netherlands and Belgium, and transported into the United States via package delivery services and couriers aboard commercial aircraft arriving in New York City and Boston. MDMA destined for Massachusetts sometimes is transshipped through Mexico and the United Kingdom. New York City-based Israeli and Russian criminal groups control the transportation of MDMA into the state.

MDMA, also called Adam, ecstasy, XTC, E, and X, is a synthetic psychoactive drug with amphetamine-like and hallucinogenic properties. Abuse of the drug may cause psychological problems similar to those associated with methamphetamine and cocaine abuse including confusion, depression, sleep problems, anxiety, and paranoia. The physical effects include muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, blurred vision, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

MDMA taken in high doses is extremely dangerous, causing a marked increase in body temperature leading to muscle breakdown and kidney and cardiovascular system failure. MDMA abuse may lead to heart attack, stroke, and seizure as reported in some fatalities at raves. Recent research links MDMA to long-term, possibly permanent damage to parts of the brain that are used for thought and memory. Individuals who develop a rash after abusing MDMA may be at risk of severe liver damage or other serious side effects.

MDMA typically is sold and abused at nightclubs, raves, and on college campuses. Caucasian, Dominican, Israeli, and Russian criminal groups are the dominant wholesale distributors of MDMA. Caucasian criminal groups and independent dealers are the dominant retail distributors. In the first quarter of FY2002, MDMA sold for $5 to $16 per tablet at the wholesale level and $20 to $25 per tablet at the retail level, according to DEA.

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GHB is distributed and abused throughout Massachusetts. Caucasian independent dealers are the dominant retail distributors of GHB. The drug typically is abused by teenagers and young adults at nightclubs, raves, and on college campuses throughout the state. Because of its sedative properties, the drug has been used in the commission of drug-facilitated sexual assaults. According to DEA, GHB sold for $5 per dosage unit at the retail level during the first quarter of FY2002.



Caucasian teenagers and young adults are the primary distributors and abusers of LSD in Massachusetts. Most of the LSD available in the state is produced in California and transported to the area via package delivery services. LSD usually is distributed and abused at nightclubs, raves, and on college campuses. It is often applied to candy and blotter paper or disguised as a breath freshener. DEA reports that in Springfield, liquid LSD is placed on sugar cubes. In Springfield during the first quarter of FY2002, LSD sold for $100 to $200 per 100 dosage units and $5 to $10 per dosage unit.



Ketamine is available in Massachusetts and abused by Caucasian teenagers and young adults at nightclubs, raves, and on college campuses. It is diverted from legitimate sources such as veterinary clinics and is available in powdered or liquid form. As a powder ketamine is smoked or snorted, and as a liquid it is injected or mixed into drinks. Caucasian local independent dealers are the primary distributors of ketamine in Massachusetts. In Springfield during the first quarter of FY2002, ketamine sold for $20 per dosage unit, according to DEA.

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Diverted Pharmaceuticals

The diversion and abuse of pharmaceuticals--such as hydromorphone hydrochloride (Dilaudid), clonazepam (Klonopin), oxycodone (OxyContin, Percocet, Percodan), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and alprazolam (Xanax)--pose a serious threat to Massachusetts. The most frequent means of diverting pharmaceuticals are prescription fraud, the sale of prescriptions by some unscrupulous medical professionals, theft, and doctor shopping--visiting numerous doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions. Distributors and abusers in the state also use the Internet to illegally purchase pharmaceuticals and sometimes obtain pharmaceuticals from suppliers in Mexico. When pharmaceuticals are obtained from out-of-state suppliers, package delivery services typically are used to transport the drugs.

African American, Asian, Caucasian, and Hispanic criminal groups and gangs as well as local independent dealers distribute diverted pharmaceuticals in Massachusetts. Pharmaceuticals commonly are distributed in bars and other public places. In the first quarter of FY2002, a 20-milligram OxyContin tablet sold for $20, a 40-milligram Percocet tablet sold for $20, a 20-milligram Xanax tablet sold for $15, and a tablet of Vicodin sold for $2 to $5.

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