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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center 
New Jersey Drug Threat Assessment
May 2001


State and Regional Sources

Asbury Park Police Department

Asbury Park Press

Atlantic City Police Department

Camden City Police Department

Camden County Sheriff's Office

Essex County Sheriff's Office

Hudson County Prosecutor's Office

Irvington Police Department

Middle Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement Network (MAGLOCLEN)

Middlesex County Prosecutor's Office

Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office

Newark Police Department

New Brunswick Police Department

New Jersey National Guard

New York and New Jersey High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

North Brunswick Police Department

Philadelphia/Camden High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area

The Record

The Star-Ledger

Trenton Police Department

State of New Jersey

    Department of Health and Senior Services
    Department of Law and Public Safety

Warren County Prosecutor's Office

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National and International Sources

Associated Press

Defense Intelligence Agency

Federal Bureau of Investigation

International Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigators Association

Office of National Drug Control Policy

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

    National Institutes of Health
        National Institute on Drug Abuse
            Community Epidemiology Work Group
        Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
            Office of Applied Studies

U.S. Department of Justice
    Bureau of Justice Assistance
    Criminal Division
        U.S. Attorney Districts
    Drug Enforcement Administration
        Atlantic City
        Domestic Monitor Program
        El Paso Intelligence Center
        Headquarters, Office of Diversion Control
        New York
    U.S. Sentencing Commission

U.S. Department of State

U.S. Department of Transportation
    Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

U.S. Department of the Treasury
    U.S. Customs Service

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Other Sources

Bell, Vaughn, Ketamine ('K', Special K, Vitamin K), 1995.

California Department of Justice
    Office of the Attorney General

New York Times

Pennsylvania Bureau of Narcotics Investigations

Philadelphia Inquirer

McDermott, Peter, Ketamine: Trick or Treat, June 1992.

USA Today

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