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To Home Page. National Drug Intelligence Center 
New Jersey Drug Threat Assessment
May 2001


The availability and abuse of powdered cocaine and crack will continue to pose the greatest threat to the safety and security of New Jersey citizens.

Low cost, high-purity heroin is nearly as serious a threat, and is poised to surpass cocaine as availability and the number of abusers increase. The new user population is younger than ever and the heightened purity of heroin increases health risks.

The availability and number of users of marijuana remain stable but high, with no indications that this trend will change.

The presence of Mexican criminal groups will continue to grow in New Jersey over the next couple of years, significantly affecting the heroin and methamphetamine trades. These criminal groups could easily blend with ethnic Mexicans, including violent Mexican gang members, living in New Jersey. Mexican criminal groups will transport and distribute increased quantities of methamphetamine to New Jersey.

ODDs such as GHB, ketamine, and MDMA will continue to gain popularity in New Jersey, particularly among teenagers and young adults. Raves will remain popular until young individuals become aware that using ODDs brings criminal sanctions and causes illness and death.


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