U.S. Department of Justice Seal Strategic Plan 2000 - 2005

USDOJ Homepage Strategic Plan Homepage A Message from the Attorney General FY 1999 Annual Accountability Report
FY 2001 Performance Plan Table of Contents Introduction Chapter I
Chapter II Goal One Goal Two Goal Three
Goal Four Goal Five Goal Six Goal Seven
Chapter III External Factors Appendix A Appendix B
Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F


Appendix B


The Strategic Plan provides the overall direction and framework for the Department's Annual Performance Plan. The Annual Performance Plan, in turn, translates the broadly-stated goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan into specific annualized performance goals (or targets) linked to the Department's budget.

We expect that in many cases our annual performance goals will either closely parallel or be identical to the strategic objectives. In more difficult to measure areas, they may track more closely to the strategies themselves. For the most part, however, our annual performance goals will not be self-measuring, that is, the goal statements will not include a target value of performance. Instead, one or more performance indicators will be associated with each goal. These indicators will provide the specific values or characteristics that enable the goal to be measured. In most instances, performance indicators will focus on outputs or intermediate outcomes that reflect incremental progress toward a strategic objective.

Establishing a clear linkage between the annual performance goals set forth in the Annual Performance Plan and the strategic goals and objectives in the Strategic Plan, is of critical importance to maintaining the logic and integrity of the Department's strategic planning and implementation cycle. Ultimately, it is likely that progress toward meeting a particular strategic objective can best be gauged on a multiyear basis, using an array of both quantitative and qualitative performance goals and indicators. For example, in measuring progress in meeting our strategic objective of reducing white collar crime we would look to a range of performance indicators (such as cost savings) in the various categories of white collar crime for which the Department has jurisdiction.

The linkage between the Strategic Plan and the Annual Performance Plan can best be shown by the examples displayed in Table 6.





1.1 VIOLENT CRIME - Reduce the threat, incidence, and prevalence of violent crime, especially as it stems from organized criminal enterprises and drug and gang-related violence. -Number of gangs disrupted or dismantled in the seven target groups identified by the FBI as most dangerous
-Percent of La Cosa Nostra members incarcerated
1.2 DRUGS - Identify, disrupt and dismantle drug traffficking organizations which are international, multijurisdictional, or which have an identified local impact. -Number and percent of identified Major Drug Trafficking Organizations disrupted or dismantled
2.2 JUVENILE JUSTICE - Reduce youth crime and victimization through targeted programs that emphasize both prevention and enforcement. -Number of children served by targeted prevention and enforcement programs, by program type
2.3 SUBSTANCE ABUSE - Break the cycle of substance abuse and crime through testing, treatment and sanctions. -Percent of persons enrolled in drug court programs who not rearrested during treatment
4.4 BORDER FACILITATION - Facilitate lawful travel and commerce across the borders of the United States. -Degree to which land and air ports-of-entry meet established standards for traveler wait time
-Degree to which travelers report they are treated in a professional and courteous manner
5.4 INMATE SERVICES - Provide services and programs to meet critical inmate needs and facilitate their successful reintegration into society, consistent with community expectations and standards. -Percent of eligible inmates obtaining a GED/high school diploma within seven months prior to release
-Number and percent of eligible inmates enrolled in residential drug treatment programs
6.1 PROTECTING THE JUDICIARY - Protect judges, witnesses and other participants in federal judicial proceedings and ensure the safe and secure operation of the federal court system. -Percent of federal criminal court proceedings meeting USMS security standards
-Number of threats and assaults against the judiciary and other court personnel

The Department continues to struggle with the complex issues associated with measuring law enforcement performance. Although we have made progress in the past few years, we continue to work to develop more meaningful, outcome-oriented performance goals and indicators. For example, one of the specific challenges we face is how to measure the deterrent effects of developing and maintaining an effective enforcement presence.

We also continue to work to improve our data systems. In our annual performance plans and reports, the Department identifies the specific sources of the data used to measure performance, the steps taken to validate and verify the data, any limitations to the data, and actions underway or planned to correct data quality and availability problems. Most of our data systems historically have been geared to recording activities such as numbers of cases or arrests. While useful indicators of workload, these activity counts alone ("outputs") do not capture other possible dimensions of program performance, namely, service or case quality, customer satisfaction, and intermediate and end outcomes.




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