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Major Crimes Division Investigative Files

Department of Justice/Executive Office for United States Attorneys

TITLE: Major Crimes Division Investigative Files



Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: U.S. Attorneys Office for the
District of Columbia
Minor Organization Subdivision:
Name of Unit: Major Crimes Division
Street Address: 555 4th Street, NW
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip Code: 20001
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Telephone: (202) 514-7566
FAX: (202) 307-3569
E-mail Address:

ABSTRACT: The USAO for the District of Columbia maintains investigative and intelligence files which can be placed in one of the four following categories: (1) Individuals who have been charged with Federal and D.C. code violations; (2) Individuals currently under investigation for such violations; (3) Individuals upon whom investigations were conducted but no prosecution was initiated; and (4) other informants.

PURPOSE: The information contained in this system of records is compiled and maintained in order to provide intelligence information in present and future criminal investigations. This information provided by confidential informants serves as a core prosecutorial tool in pursuing the law enforcement objectives of the United States government.

ACCESS CONSTRAINTS: The information contained in the Major Crimes Division Investigative Files is comprised of both classified and unclassified information and is protected by being maintained in tumbler locked file safes in the Major Crimes Division which is manned during all times that it is open and is securely locked at all other times. The room which contains the safes is located in the United States Courthouse which is guarded by the Federal Protective Service twenty four hours a day with roving patrols during non-working hours.

AGENCY PROGRAM: The USAO for the District of Columbia is charged with the enforcement of United States law both civil and criminal in conjunction with the Department of Justice. The compilation and maintenance of information provided by confidential informants relating to major crimes supports the efforts of the USAO in the prosecution of such crimes and in the investigation of future crimes.

SOURCES OF DATA: The information maintained in this system stems from underlying federal, state or local law enforcement investigation reports; administrative agency and client agency materials; attorney work product; witness information; transcripts of grand jury and court proceedings; and memoranda and reports from the courts.


Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: United States Attorneys Offices
Minor Organization Subdivision: Executive Office for United
States Attorneys
Name of Unit: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Staff
Street Address: 600 E Street, NW, Room 7100
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip Code: 20530-0001
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Telephone: (202) 616-6757
FAX: (202) 616-6478
E-mail Address: none

ORDER PROCESS: To the extent that portions of this system are not exempt from disclosure the request for information must be writing with the envelope and the letter clearly marked "Privacy Access Request." The requester must provide the general subject matter of the document or its file number and a current return address. All requests should be directed to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Staff, EOUSA, 600 E Street, NW, Room 7100, Washington, D.C. 20530.


Department/Agency Name: U.S. Department of Justice
Major Organization Subdivision: United States Attorneys Offices
Minor Organization Subdivision: Executive Office for United
States Attorneys
Name of Unit: Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Staff
Street Address: 600 E Street, NW, Room 7100
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip Code: 20530-0001
Country: United States
Hours of Service: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Telephone: (202) 616-6757
FAX: (202) 616-6478
E-mail Address: none

Updated December 9, 2014