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Press Release

United States Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Tennessee Observes Domestic Violence Awareness Month

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Tennessee

Memphis, TN – October marks the observance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). U.S. Attorney Kevin G. Ritz joins the U.S. Department of Justice in commemorating DVAM, paying tribute to victims and survivors, and saluting the dedication of advocates, service providers, justice professionals, law enforcement officers, and first responders who tirelessly work in support of survivors.

Domestic violence, dating violence, and intimate partner violence can have long-lasting impacts and consequences. Approximately one in four women and one in seven men will experience severe domestic violence in their lifetimes. Rates are disproportionately higher for historically underserved populations, including LGBTQI+ individuals, persons with disabilities, and racial and ethnic minorities. DVAM provides an opportunity to spread awareness about domestic violence and encourage everyone to play a role in ending gender-based violence.

“Domestic violence affects us all personally in some way,” said U.S. Attorney Ritz. “We who serve as federal prosecutors for the Western District of Tennessee have a duty to use all the tools at our disposal — and to leverage our partnerships with local law enforcement and prosecutors — to ensure victims have a viable path to safety and justice.”

Purple Thursday, observed on October 19, 2023, is a National Day of Action during DVAM. It is an opportunity to raise awareness about domestic violence and to show commitment to promoting safe communities. Please join us on October 19 by wearing purple and starting a conversation about domestic violence.


For more information, please contact Public Affairs Specialist Tiffany Thomas-Turner at (901) 544-4231 or  Follow the U.S. Attorney’s Office on Facebook or on Twitter at @WDTNNews for office news and updates.

Updated October 19, 2023