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Press Release

Readout of United States Attorney Kevin Ritz’s Roundtable Discussions in Dyer County

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of Tennessee

Jackson, TN – On Thursday, August 24, United States Attorney Kevin G. Ritz traveled to Dyer County in the 29th Judicial District of West Tennessee to host a series of roundtable discussions with law enforcement, local prosecutors, and community stakeholders. Roundtable participants had an open dialogue with the U.S. Attorney, addressing their issues and concerns, and learned more about the Department’s priorities.

On Thursday morning, WTRO-101.7 FM host Bill Taylor interviewed U.S. Attorney Ritz about his goals for the roundtable discussions, Department priorities, and violent crime issues. As U.S. Attorney Ritz said during the interview, “Gun violence has many causes, and it needs to have many solutions. [Federal prosecutors are] part of the solution. With federal firearms laws, we have some aggressive tools. But we need everybody working together. We need prevention and intervention from community groups, faith leaders, and schools.”

Later that morning, U.S. Attorney Ritz met in Dyersburg with District Attorney Danny Goodman and local law enforcement leaders to discuss trends in violent crime, partner successes, and emerging concerns.

State Gazette reporter Dr. William Honeycutt interviewed U.S. Attorney Ritz and Assistant U.S. Attorney Hillary Parham just before lunch about crime and drug trends in Dyer County, Department priorities, and examples of sound collaboration between federal and local law enforcement.

Thursday afternoon, U.S. Attorney Ritz was the keynote speaker at the Rotary Club in Dyersburg.

The district-wide visit concluded late Thursday afternoon, when U.S. Attorney Ritz facilitated a roundtable discussion with the Dyer Baptist Association at Hillcrest Baptist Church.

Below are photos from these events. U.S. Attorney Ritz will continue to schedule roundtable discussions with stakeholders throughout the Western District of Tennessee.


United States Attorney Kevin Ritz interviewed by WTRO radio host Bill Taylor.
United States Attorney Kevin Ritz interviewed by WTRO radio host Bill Taylor.


U.S. Attorney Ritz, along with AUSA Hillary Parham and District Attorney General Danny Goodman, facilitated roundtable discussion with Dyer County law enforcement
U.S. Attorney Ritz, along with AUSA Hillary Parham and District Attorney General Danny Goodman, facilitated roundtable discussion with Dyer County law enforcement



U.S. Attorney Ritz, along with AUSA Hillary Parham and District Attorney General Danny Goodman, facilitated roundtable discussion with Dyer County law enforcement
U.S. Attorney Ritz, along with AUSA Hillary Parham and District Attorney General Danny Goodman, facilitated roundtable discussion with Dyer County law enforcement.


U.S. Attorney Ritz addressed the members of the Dyersburg Rotary Club
U.S. Attorney Ritz addressed the members of the Dyersburg Rotary Club.

For more information, please contact Public Affairs Specialist Tiffany Thomas-Turner at (901) 544-4231 or  Follow the U.S. Attorney’s Office on Facebook or on Twitter at @WDTNNews for office news and updates.

Updated August 30, 2023