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Press Release

U.S. Attorney's Office Secures Settlement Agreement With Nantahala Weddings, LLC To Provide Individuals With Disabilities Equal Access To Its Facilities

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Western District of North Carolina

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – The U.S. Attorney’s Office has reached a settlement agreement with Nantahala Weddings, LLC (Nantahala Weddings) to remedy alleged violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at its facilities in western North Carolina, announced Dena J. King, U.S. Attorney for the Western District of North Carolina.

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office is committed to ensuring that everyone has equal access to businesses and facilities available to the public,” said U.S. Attorney King who also serves as Chair of the U.S. Attorney General’s Subcommittee on Civil Rights. “This settlement reflects our commitment. It is critical for companies to maintain accessible facilities so that individuals with disabilities can fully use and enjoy a business’s goods and services. I commend Nantahala Weddings for its cooperation and for taking swift remedial action to ensure its facilities are ADA compliant.”

According to a civil rights complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Justice, Nantahala Weddings was violating the ADA by, among other things, charging a fee to transport individuals with mobility impairments up a non-accessible hill to the main wedding ceremony area and failing to offer accessible restrooms to guests. The property offers lodgings for rent and includes several buildings, outdoor pavilions, and open-air gathering areas separated by wooded areas and steep hills.

Upon learning of the complaint, the Nantahala Weddings took prompt action to remedy certain architectural barriers on its own initiative. Thereafter, it fully cooperated with the investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and subsequently agreed to remedy its accessibility issues. The business has already begun implementing the terms of the settlement agreement.

As part of the settlement, Nantahala Weddings will construct accessible lodging for guests to rent, which will include an accessible entryway, bathroom, and bedroom; build accessible exterior walkways connecting its facilities or, where specified, offer accessible transportation to guests with no surcharge; renovate single use bathrooms and other facilities for ADA compliance; and remedy various other architectural barriers to access.

“We appreciate the U.S. Attorney’s Office bringing these matters to our attention as – like many small businesses – we were not aware of the ADA’s requirements. We value the opportunity to make our property accessible, and we firmly believe that implementing the recommended changes will ensure all our guests feel comfortable, safe, and welcome,” said Jody Hafey, an owner of Nantahala Weddings.

Title III of the ADA prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities by businesses that serve the public, such as Nantahala Weddings. Such businesses also cannot impose a surcharge on persons with a disability who seek to participate in its goods and services.  Individuals who believe they have been victims of discrimination may file an ADA complaint online here. Additional information about the ADA can be found at, or by calling the Department of Justice’s toll-free information line at 800-514-0301 (voice) or 1-833-610-1264 (TTY).

Assistant U.S. Attorney Jonathan M. Warren of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Charlotte is handling this matter.

In April 2022, U.S. Attorney King announced the formation of the U.S. Attorney’s Office Civil Rights Team, to focus on prioritizing criminal and civil enforcement actions and increasing education and community outreach efforts. The Civil Rights Team comprises federal prosecutors and staff from the Office’s Criminal and Civil Divisions in Charlotte and in Asheville. U.S. Attorney King has appointed a Criminal Civil Rights Coordinator to lead the Team’s efforts in investigating and prosecuting criminal civil rights violations, including hate crimes, color of law violations, and human trafficking cases. U.S. Attorney King also appointed a Civil-Civil Rights Coordinator, who is tasked with prioritizing civil enforcement actions related to discrimination in housing, lending, employment, and education, and the protection of voting rights and disability rights or access, among other areas. For more information about the U.S. Attorney’s Office’s Civil Rights Team visit our website.



Updated March 22, 2024

Civil Rights
Disability Rights