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Project Safe Neighborhoods - Partners and Links

Partners and Links

Project Safe Neighborhoods in Oregon is a collaborative effort to make our communities safer, involving numerous local, state and federal agencies and organizations. Following are some of PSN's many partners:

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
Ceasefire Oregon
Citizens Crime Commission of Portland
City of Portland
City of Portland's Office of Neighborhood Involvement Crime Prevention Program
Clackamas County District Attorney's Office
Crime Victims United
East Portland Neighborhood Office
El Programa Hispano
Federal Bureau of Investigations
Gresham Police Department
Multnomah County
Multnomah County Courts
Multnomah County Department of Community Justice
Multnomah County District Attorney's Office
Multnomah County Domestic Violence Program
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
Oregon Association Chiefs of Police
Oregon Sheriff's Association
Portland Police Bureau
Portland State University
Rockey Hill & Knowlton
United States Attorney's Office, District of Oregon
United States Marshal
Washington County District Attorney's Office

Useful Links

In addition to the many agencies and organizations that are Project Safe Neighborhoods partners, the following links may provide useful resources on topics related to Project Safe Neighborhoods and the effort to make your neighborhood safer.

National Project Safe Neighborhoods Web site
Common Sense About Kids and Guns
Oregon Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Oregon Gun Owners
Crime Prevention Association of Oregon
NRA Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program

Updated June 28, 2019