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Press Release

Honduran Man Pleads Guilty To Illegally Reentering The United States After Having Been Previously Deported

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of New Hampshire

          CONCORD, NEW HAMPSHIRE –United States Attorney Emily Gray Rice announced today that Alexander Alcerro-Romero, of Honduras, pleaded guilty to a one-count indictment alleging that he illegally reentered the United States after having been previously deported. 

            In March of 2016, an ICE ERO Deportation Officer developed information which indicated that the defendant, a Honduran national, was illegally present in the United States after having been deported on two previous occasions.  On April 11, 2016, the defendant was observed by ICE-ERO Deportation Officers entering a silver sedan that was parked directly in front of the defendant’s residence in Nashua, New Hampshire. 

            A vehicle stop was conducted during which the Deportation Officer approached the defendant and asked him in English if he had a driver’s license.  The defendant responded “not one from this country” and presented the Deportation Officer with a Honduran identity document.  After verbally confirming that the defendant was a Honduran national, the deportation Officer asked the defendant if he had any immigration documents that allowed him to be in the U.S.  The defendant responded “no”, and was then taken into ICE custody for being illegally present in the United States and transported to the ERO-MAN office for administrative processing.

            Fingerprint impressions taken at the time of processing were compared to fingerprints on record with the Department of Homeland Security.  The fingerprint comparison confirmed that the defendant had been deported from the United States to Honduras in 2005 and 2008. 

            Alcerro-Romero will be sentenced at 10:00 AM on November 15, 2016, and will be deported after serving his sentence.

            The case was investigated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Alfred Rubega is prosecuting this case.


Updated July 7, 2016
