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United States v. Dimitry Belorossov a/k/a Rainerfox

Court Docket Number: 1:14-CR-0210-TWT

This case is assigned to United States District Judge Thomas W. Thrash Jr., United States District Court for the North District of Georgia, Richard B. Russell Federal Building and Courthouse, 75 Spring Street, SW, 2211 U.S. Courthouse, Atlanta, GA 30303-3361.

Defendant Dimitry Belorossov, a/k/a Rainerfox, operated a Citadel command and control server, which controlled over 7,000 victim computers.  Belorossov’s Citadel botnet contained personal information from the infected victim computers, including online banking credentials for U.S.-based financial institutions, credit card information, and other personally identifying information.

Belorossov has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit computer fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1030(a)(5)(A), 1030(b), and 1030(c)(4)(B).  His sentencing is scheduled for May 27, 2015.

The written information on this website will be updated as new developments arise in the case. If you have any questions, please email

Case Status Updates

On September 29, 2015, Dimitry Belorossov was sentenced by The Honorable Thomas W. Thrash, Jr. to serve 54 months in prison, three years of supervised release, and pay restitution in the amount of $322,409.09 to the Crime Victim’s Fund.

Public Notifications
Information (336.57 KB) 06/09/2013
Order (56.85 KB) 05/15/2015
News Release 09/29/2015

Information on Victim Witness Program

Information and Assistance for Federal Crime Victims and Witnesses

Crime Victims' Rights Under the Justice for All Act (18 United States Code § 3771)

Victim Rights Under Title 42 United States (Code § 10606(b))

Victim / Witness & Criminal Justice System Information

Victim / Witness Home Page

Contact Information

Christie Smith Jones
Victim Witness Coordinator
Tel: 404.581.6102

Beth Dozier
Victim Witness Assistant
Tel: 404.581.6041

Daniel Sykes
Victim Witness Clerk
Tel: 404.581.6179
Toll Free: 1.888.431.1918

Updated November 25, 2015