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Notification Services

The criminal justice process can be complex and lengthy. During the process, the victim will be informed of the status of the case by the Victim-Witness Coordinator. The Coordinator will be the primary contact throughout the process. When a federal criminal case reaches the prosecution stage of the criminal justice process, notification services are provided concerning the status of the case involving the victim or witness. The following notifications are made:

  • The release or detention status of an offender pending judicial proceedings; or the placement in a pretrial diversion program, and the conditions thereof;

  • The filing of charges against a suspected offender, or the proposed dismissal of any or all charges, including dismissal in favor of state prosecution;

  • The scheduling, including scheduling changes and/or continuances, of each court proceeding that the victim or witness is either required to attend or entitled to attend;

  • The terms of any negotiated plea, including the acceptance of a plea of guilty or nolo contendere or the rendering of a verdict after trial;

  • The opportunity to present to the court in the presentence report a victim impact statement containing information concerning any harm, including financial, social, psychological and physical harm, done to or loss suffered by the victim of the crime;

  • The date set for sentencing if the offender is found guilty; and the sentence imposed;and

  • The date set for sentencing and the victim's opportunity to make a statement or present any information to the court in relation to the sentence.

 If you have any questions or problems related to a case, please click on the "Contact Victim Witness Services Staff" link below or contact the Assistant United States Attorney assigned to the case.

Contact Victim Witness Services Staff

Updated February 9, 2015