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United States v. Doyal Kalita

Dockets: 2022-CR-10192, 22-CR-10068

Case Information

Doyal Kalita and Robert Polanco were indicted with a wire fraud conspiracy, conspiracy to import Schedule II and Schedule IV controlled substances, and a money laundering conspiracy.

According to the indictment, in 2015, Kalita and Robert Polanco started a scheme to defraud internet users through the use of deceptive pop-up screens that falsely told victims that their computers were infected with viruses (or were otherwise damaged) and directed the victims to call for technical support. In fact, the victims were connected to Kalita and Polanco’s call centers in India and in Michigan and were scared or deceived into buying products and services that they did not need. It is further alleged that, contemporaneously with the fraud scheme, Kalita and Polanco launched an online drug distribution scheme that sold controlled substances, including opioids, and shipped the drugs from India and Europe to persons in Massachusetts and elsewhere in the United States. It is alleged that Polanco joined the conspiracy as one of Kalita’s principal drug suppliers.

The internet fraud schemes may have involved at least two possible deceptions.

First, a blue pop-up screen may have frozen a victim’s web browser and directed the user to call a number for help.  The persons answering a call from a victim may have falsely told the victim that the persons were affiliated with a software company such as Microsoft.  The persons may then have obtained access to a victim’s computer and purported to fix a problem.  The persons may also have then sold a victim a malware protection product or a service plan.

Second, at a later time, a victim may have received a phone call purportedly from a technical support company offering a refund, but then purportedly overpaying the refund and asking for the victim to pay back the overpayment.  In fact, there was no overpayment, and the representations were a fraud.

Either version of this fraud scheme may have involved payments to or from the following entities:

  • DCK International
  • Dreamland Trip
  • Forever Living
  • GAD Auto Parts
  • JD Online Services
  • JD Web Services
  • Kiki Web Solutions
  • OMG Fast PC
  • PC Consulting Services
  • Polanco Travel
  • Software Elite
  • Supernin Techno
  • Tech Elite
  • Truzipex, LLC
  • Zayn Techno
  • ZD Consulting Services
  • ZD Marketing Group


If you have questions related to being identified as a victim in this case, please send an email to and provide your name and best contact information and a member of the Victim Witness Unit will contact you.

Case Status

Doyal Kalita

  • Sentencing is scheduled for June 18, 2024 2:45 PM before Judge Nathaniel Gorton.


Updated June 4, 2024