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Press Release

Chester County Pharmacy Agrees to Resolve Civil Allegations of Improper Dispensing of Controlled Substances for $225,000

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Agreement also Resolves Record-Keeping Violations and Establishes Accountability Measures

PHILADELPHIA – Acting United States Attorney Jennifer Arbittier Williams announced that the United States filed a civil lawsuit against Source One Pharmacy Services, LLC, a West Chester, PA-based closed-door pharmacy, alleging that the pharmacy improperly dispensed and distributed controlled substances and failed properly to inventory and document its controlled substances. At the same time the civil suit was filed, the United States also filed a proposed consent judgment that, subject to the court’s approval, would resolve the lawsuit. The consent judgment would require Source One to pay $225,000 in civil penalties under the Controlled Substances Act and would impose several accountability and monitoring conditions on the pharmacy.

The civil lawsuit alleges that Source One Pharmacy, which operates as a closed-door pharmacy (meaning that it is not open for business to the general public), had received warnings from the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in prior investigations, but nevertheless went on to dispense controlled substances illegally, including opioids. The complaint further alleges that Source One distributed some controlled substances to locations where the recipients were not authorized to receive them, and that a DEA audit revealed pills were missing from Source One’s records for seven different controlled substances.

Source One agreed to resolve its civil liability under terms outlined in the proposed consent judgment, if accepted by the court. Among other items, Source One would pay $225,000 in civil penalties under the Controlled Substances Act and would be subject to several heightened accountability and monitoring measures for three years, including the requirement that Source One report its dispensing to the DEA.

“Pharmacies that handle dangerous controlled substances like opioids must be held to the highest standards in order to ensure that the drugs are properly monitored and do not end up in the wrong hands,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Williams. “This civil suit and consent judgment send a strong message to the community that, if a pharmacy violates these important standards, laws, and regulations, it will face serious consequences.”

“Source One Pharmacy is alleged to have improperly dispensed opioids and failing to maintain an accurate inventory of their controlled substances,” said Jonathan A. Wilson, Special Agent in Charge of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Philadelphia Field Division.  “Civil penalties such as these are an effective means to insure the proper safeguarding of controlled substances and compliance with the Controlled Substances Act.”

The case was investigated by the Philadelphia Field Division of the Drug Enforcement Administration. The civil investigation, litigation, and resolution are being handled by Assistant United States Attorneys Scott W. Reid and Anthony D. Scicchitano.

The complaint contains allegations only and does not contain any admissions. The proposed consent judgment would resolve any alleged civil liability.


615 Chestnut Street, Suite 1250
Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Updated February 23, 2021
