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Press Release

Acting United States Attorney for the District of Columbia Michael R. Sherwin's Statement Condemning Violence against the Media and Inviting the Report of Such Violence

For Immediate Release
U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Columbia

            WASHINGTON - The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, along with its law enforcement partners, is aware of reports of violence, including assaults, threats, and property damage, against members of the press while they were engaged in covering events unfolding at the United States Capitol on January 6. Such violence will not be tolerated. We are resolutely committed to upholding the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, including speech, peaceful assembly, and press, and we will investigate, prosecute, and hold accountable anyone who attempts to obstruct or curtail these freedoms through violence or intimidation. 

            The United States Attorney’s Office invites members of the press to report any instances where a reporter, journalist, photographer, videographer, or other member of the press or broadcast media was the victim of an assault, threat, or property damage during the events of January 6 at the United States Capitol.   Such information, to include video and photographic evidence, can be emailed to As appropriate, a prosecutor or law enforcement agent may follow up for further information.

            We will spare no effort to bring to justice all those who committed lawless and violent acts of any kind, including against members of the media.

Updated January 12, 2021

Press Release Number: 21-008