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Assistant U.S. Attorney Training

New AUSAs, SAUSAs, and Legal Fellows who have recently joined the office participate in a three week Basic Training program before their initial trial assignments in the Misdemeanor or Domestic Violence Section.  As an Assistant advances through the felony trial sections, the Office provides additional week-long training programs.  The Office also provides a large number of training programs on specific topics, such as DNA and cellular evidence, legal updates, and workshops on advocacy skills.  In addition to classes, the Office provides a broad range of training materials, including a comprehensive trial manual the covers issues involving both substantive law and administrative procedures.

Beyond particular training programs in the Office, audio and video training tapes are always available for review. These tapes cover a wide variety of topics, such as advocacy, witness preparation, evidentiary problems, trial strategy, and trial ethics. Assistants are also encouraged to participate in outside courses sponsored by the Department of Justice at the Department's National Advocacy Center in South Carolina.

Notably, the Office's greatest training asset is the experience of its own Assistants. Many of these Assistants serve as instructors for both in-house training programs and for programs sponsored by agencies and academic institutions throughout the country.

Updated April 1, 2019