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Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: Appendix C. List of Demands by Davidians During Standoff and FBIResponses

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Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas
February 28 to April 19, 1993

Appendix C. List of Demands by Davidians During Standoff and FBI Responses

2/28/93 - 4/19/93

AS OF 4/19/93

1.       2/28/93 - (14:29)
First demand: that KRLD broadcast a message that ATF is holding their fire and will not attack further.
Granted 2/28/93, 16:15 and 16:45.
2.       2/28/93 - (18:10)
Play recorded message of KORESH on KRLD and kids will be released two by two.
Granted 2/28/93, 19:38.
3.       3/02/93 - (02:34)
SCOTT SONOBE: Play KORESH'S tape on national T.V. and we will come out.
Granted 3/02/93, 13:32
4.       3/02/93 - (04:55)
RITA RIDDLE: Play tape during prime time and the remaining women and children will exit.
Granted 3/02/93, 13:32
5.       3/03/93 - (09:47)
KORESH wants 1501 telephone cord.
Granted 3/04/93, 15:20.
6.       3/03/93 - (13:31)
Allow KORESH to give a bible study and MARK JONES will come out.
Granted 3/03/93, 14:48.
7.       3/03/93 - (17:27)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Wants dead, smelly dog removed.
Granted 3/04/93, 15:38
8.       3/04/93 - (23:29)
KORESH: Requests suture kit for hand.
Granted 3/05/93, 12:59.
9.       3/05/93 - ( 7:43)
KORESH wants to see kids on video with relatives and 6 gallons of milk.
Milk demand granted 3/08/93, 15:50. Kids with relatives 3/09/93 15:50.
10.       3/05/93 - (17:53)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Wants PETER GENT's body removed.
Granted 3/08/93, 11:04.
11.       3/06/93 - ( 8:43)
STEVE requests a media line or they will not come out.
12.       3/06/93 - ( 9:02)
KATHY SCHROEDER wants Bradleys off property.
13.       3/06/93 - ( 9:11)
KATHY wants line to media.
14.       3/06/93 - (12:01)
KORESH wants GENT'S body removed.
Granted 3/08/93, 11:04.
15.       3/06/93 - (16:35)
KORESH wants to talk to UCA and then he'll release MELISSA MORRISON.
16.       3/06/93 - (17:25)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Demands that Bradley's and body be removed and six gallons of milk delivered.
Milk demand granted 3/08/93, body buried 3/8/93, 11:04.
17.       3/06/93 - (22:43)
Repeated demand for additional phone line.
18.       3/07/93 - (12:51)
KORESH: You show me the 3rd Seal and I'll release the kids.
On 3/07/93, 14:50 C.P. attempts to "show" DAVID the 3rd Seal; at 15:52 DAVID says that we have failed and refuses to release anyone.
19.       3/07/93 - (15:50)
DAVID: You show me the 7 Seals and everyone will come out.
20.       3/09/93 - (09:24)
KORESH: "Turn the power on or I will not communicate."
Granted 3/09/93, 10:25.
21.       3/11/93 - (22:19)
KATHY SCHROEDER: Demands "a couple of gallons of milk" to be delivered to the compound.
C.P. delivers six gallons of milk on 3/12/93 at 14:58.
22.       3/11/93 - (22:19)
KATHY SCHROEDER demands copies of Newsweek and Time magazines containing-articles of DAVIDIANS.
Granted 3/19/93, 11:49.
23.       3/12/93 - (09:33)
KATHY SCHROEDER: Demands that she be allowed to call back into the compound after she leaves.
Granted 3/12/93 17:21.
24.       3/12/93 - (10:30)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Demands that radio station KGBS AM 1090 be contacted and told to refute negative statements broadcast by the station against the DAVIDIANS.
Granted 3/12/93, radio station contacted, they advised that they would broadcast a message on 3/13/93.
25.       3/12/93 - (11:46)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Demands a copy of the transcript from the Phil Donahue show that had KIRI JEWELL as a guest.
26.       3/12/93 - (11:50)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Demands that attorneys and/or the media be allowed to contact the DAVIDIANS.
Granted 3/28/93, 18:00.
27.       3/12/93 - (11:53)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Through DAVID, demands that radio personality ENGLEMANN (phonetic), be made the DAVIDIANS' press representative.
28.       3/16/93 - (1508)
STEVE SCHNEIDER: Demands a copy of the search warrant that ATF initially intended to serve on 2/28/93 along with other documentation.
Granted 3/19/93, 11:49.
29.       3/16/93 - (19:36)
STEVE SCHNEIDER requests that PHIL ARNOLD, Ph. D or other religious scholars discuss the book of Revelations with KORESH.
30.       3/23/93 - (15:40) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Demands that compound members be allowed to speak to released LIVINGSTON FAGAN.
31.       3/26/93 - (15:40) RACHEL KORESH:
Requests to see the video of LIVINGSTON FAGAN's CNN interview.
32.       3/27/93 - (14:23) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Requests that a neutral negotiator be introduced.
33.       3/28/93 - (15:58) DAVID KORESH:
Requests 6 gallons of milk be sent into the compound.
34.       3/28/93 - (16:06) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Requests antibiotics for DAVID KORESH.
35.       4/12/93-(19:29) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Requests a copy of a book about "KORESHIANS" that he heard about from negotiators.
36.       4/14/93-(14:00) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Requests a typewriter and/or typewriter ribbon be sent into compound.
Granted 4/18/93
37.       4/16/93-(15:00) JUDY SCHNEIDER:
Requests that a Sharp word processor, ribbon cassettes, a print wheel, lift-off tape, battery typewriter, ribbon cartridge, 12 size D batteries and a battery operated lamp.
Granted 4/18/93
38.       4/17/93-(15:23,15:29) DAVID KORESH:
Requests typewriter and ribbons.
Granted 4/18/93
39.       4/17/93-(15:36) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Requests typewriter batteries.
Granted 4/18/93
40.       4/17/93-(15:44) JUDY SCHNEIDER:
Requests IBM laptop computer.
41.       4/17/93-(15:45) STEVE SCHNEIDER:
Demands a typewriter ribbon in return they will send out the first seal as written by KORESH.
Granted 4/18/93


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Updated February 14, 2018