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Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative?

The Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) is the first large-scale project to address the challenges dual/multi-service programs (see question number two below for more details about organizational eligibility) face in reaching sexual assault survivors by dedicating resources, support, and replicable tools tailored specifically to the needs of those programs. The SADI will develop a range of innovative outreach tools, service models, and agency structures to discover best practices and needed action in reaching more sexual assault survivors with comprehensive quality care.  The selected sites will receive funding and technical assistance to:

Increase outreach to those populations most likely experiencing sexual assault in their communities but not currently accessing services;

Develop models of service provision that prioritize the needs of sexual assault survivors beyond immediate crisis responses currently offered; and

Assess and document the efficacy of those steps in increasing the numbers and types of sexual assault survivors who access those newly enhanced services.

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Is my organization eligible?

The SADI is open to organizations that meet the following eligibility requirements:

Applicants must be located in the United States or its Territories;

Applicants must be a dual or multi-service program, defined as a non-profit community-based program or Tribal Government Program whose purpose or function includes providing services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.  Note: Child Advocacy Centers, for the purposes of this solicitation, are not considered eligible entities; and

Applicants must have a minimum of five years of experience serving sexual assault victims.

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The eligibility requirements indicate that the applicant agency should have a minimum of five years of experience providing services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Are there certain services that applicant agencies should be providing?

This project is interested in enhancing sexual assault services such as advocacy (including legal, systems, and medical advocacy), counseling, accompaniment, support services and related assistance provided to adult, youth and child victims of sexual assault and the family and household members of such victims as well as those collaterally affected by the victimization, with the exception of the perpetrator of the victimization.

The spirit of this project is to work with and enhance dual DV/SA service provision or multi-service provision including DV/SA services within a single agency that provides services such as crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, accompaniment, support services and related assistance to sexual adult survivors.

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Are there areas of Special Interest?

Yes. The SADI has the following Areas of Special Interest:

Programs that propose to serve victims of sexual assault residing within statutorily defined rural areas.  Applicants must provide documentation that the target area to be served is a rural area or community and a service area map identifying the target area;

Programs that propose culturally relevant services to victims of sexual assault from underserved populations, such as underserved communities of color; or 

Tribal Government or non-profit community based programs that have an established collaboration with a Tribal Government to provide services to tribal victims of sexual assault.

Only complete applications are eligible for consideration.  Applicants should carefully read the Solicitation and check the application requirements before submitting an application. Incomplete applications will be removed from consideration prior to review by OVW and its project partnersFor a list of application requirements, please see the Application Checklist located on page 15 of the Solicitation.

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What does “Area of Special Interest” mean?

OVW hopes to see applications from a broad range of organizations.  The greater the diversity of selected SADI sites, the greater the potential for a wide range of practices, tools and strategies that can support the distinct needs of sexual assault survivors in diverse communities.   The designation of “Area of Special Interest” is meant to encourage a diverse applicant pool.  It does not, however, mean that additional points or consideration is given to applicants that fall within the Special Interest categories.  All applicants are subject to the Selection Criteria found on pages 13-14 of the solicitation.

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How many sites will be selected for the SADI?

Approximately six (6) sites will be selected to participate in the SADI.  Four sites must be serving sexual assault victims located within a statutorily defined rural state or area.  For information on how to determine whether the service area that is proposed meets the statutory definition of “rural”, please see page 6 of the Solicitation.  The remaining sites will be open to other eligible applicants, regardless of geography.

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How is the SADI different from other grant programs, and if selected as a SADI site  what will my organization be required to do?

SADI awards will be made as Cooperative Agreements and OVW will enter into a contract with each selected site.

The selected SADI sites must demonstrate a high level of commitment to close collaborative working relationships with OVW and the technical assistance providers.  Once selected, each site will receive support from the technical assistance providers in developing their individualized plan for enhancing sexual assault services in their community, which must be submitted to OVW for review and approval.

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When will my organization be asked to submit a budget?

OVW will request budgets from only those applicants that have reached the later stages of the review process.

When an organization is selected to be one of the SADI sites their funding amount will be customized to fit their individualized needs for enhancing sexual assault services in their community.  There is a range of funding; up to $450,000 over three (3) years. It will be important for applicants to demonstrate organizational capacity to fully participate in the SADI project, which includes showing a commitment to sexual assault specific work.

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Are any activities unallowable or prohibited in the SADI?

Awards made under the SADI may not be used for lobbying, fundraising, research projects, or physical modifications to buildings including minor renovations.  Prevention campaigns are also unallowable under the SADI, however outreach to raise awareness about your organization’s sexual assault services is allowable and a critical component of the SADI.

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How long will the review process take after the submission of the applications? 

The review process will take several months from the time of submission. The process of selecting the SADI sites begins with a review of the applications, but also involves in-person site visits for approximately ten (10) applicants.

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Why is there a site visit with a panel interview included in the review process? Isn’t the application enough?

The SADI is the first large-scale project to address the challenges dual/multi-service programs face in reaching sexual assault survivors with concrete and replicable tools and practices.  To take part in this unique demonstration initiative, it is essential that the selected sites demonstrate overall agency readiness and capacity for enhancing sexual assault services and a commitment to sustaining the enhanced sexual assault services throughout the project period and beyond.  The site visit and interview will allow the review team to get a comprehensive understanding of each applicant.

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When/how will my organization know if we are chosen for a site visit?  

The site visits will be scheduled following the review of the applications.  Applicants selected for site visits will be notified by OVW.  At that time, those applicants will also be provided information about what to prepare for the site visit.

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What role will state sexual assault or dual coalitions play in the SADI?

While coalitions are not eligible to apply to be a SADI site, they will be vital partners with OVW, the National Resource Sharing Project (RSP) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) along with the SADI sites in ensuring the sustainability of the tools and models developed over the course of the project.  Coalitions will be asked to assist OVW by disseminating information to member centers about this important project and the application process.  In addition, coalitions will be included in the work done with the SADI sites and will be included in regular updates about the project and its findings about how best to support sexual assault services.

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Who is OVW and what is its role in the SADI?

The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) at the U.S. Department of Justice was created in 1995 by the Violence Against Women Act.  OVW administers financial and technical assistance to communities across the country that are developing programs, policies, and practices aimed at ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

The selected SADI sites will enter into a Cooperative Agreement with OVW and each site will be assigned an OVW Project Manager. The Project Manager will:

serve as the primary OVW contact for the site;

provide ongoing monitoring, including regular meetings as needed, to ensure success; and

problem solve with the site, as necessary, in coordination with the technical assistance providers.

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Who are the Technical Assistance providers?  

The selected SADI sites will receive customized technical assistance provided through the National Resource Sharing Project (RSP) and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) along with a pool of technical assistance experts.  The RSP and the NSVRC are two of the national organizations working to improve services for survivors and increase resources for coalitions and service providers.  The RSP, a collaborative project of the Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, the North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault, and the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs, is committed to ending all forms of sexual violence. The RSP is working to end sexual violence and increase services available to sexual violence survivors by developing tools, providing technical assistance and training, and otherwise assisting rape crisis centers and state, tribal and territorial sexual assault coalitions. The RSP provides technical assistance, support, and the dissemination of peer-driven resources for all state and territorial sexual assault coalitions utilizing peer–to–peer technical assistance and the voices of survivors as guiding principles.  The NSVRC, founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, is the nation’s principle information and resource center regarding all aspects of sexual violence.  The NSVRC provides national leadership, consultation, and technical assistance by generating and facilitating the development and flow of information on sexual violence intervention and prevention strategies. The NSVRC works to address the causes and impact of sexual violence through collaboration, prevention efforts, and the distribution of resources.

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What type of technical assistance will my organization receive if we are selected to participate in the SADI?

In addition to funding, the selected SADI sites will receive technical assistance in an effort to assess the strengths and barriers in reaching and serving survivors of sexual assault, developing and implementing models of service provision that prioritize the needs of sexual assault survivors, and meeting the needs of underserved populations. The selected SADI sites will have access to technical assistance on topics related to enhancing sexual assault services throughout the duration of the project. OVW and its technical assistance providers will also provide selected SADI sites with:

Strengths-based organizational and community assessment for each site, including focus groups, facilitated stakeholder assessments, and an assessment of core competencies;

Individualized response plans (IRP) for each site, consisting of strategies best suited to address the identified needs in the organization, core partners, or community, that may include:

Access to consultants and/or TA Specialists and site-specific training;

New staff to provide sexual assault services, including advocates and therapists;

Culturally and linguistically specific service development;

Resource development;

Enhanced infrastructure development ( e.g., fiscal or organizational capacity);

Community networking facilitation;

Policy and procedure development support; and

Training to ensure organizational sustainability of enhanced sexual assault services.

Information and referral, literature and other resources;

Assistance with developing an outreach plan for all sexual assault survivors in the community;

Community training for criminal justice professionals; and

A strong support system and enhanced communication and learning across all of the selected SADI sites, including an exclusive on-line learning space, a three-day orientation for SADI sites, two learning exchange meetings per year, briefs on promising practices, and individualized trainings on site.

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If I have additional questions, who do I contact?

For additional questions, please contact OVW at (202) 307-6026 or  Due to the volume of inquiries received, please allow 24-48 hours for a response.

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Updated April 15, 2020