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Before and After


One of the best ways to illustrate Plain Language techniques is to show direct comparisons between documents both before and after they’ve been given the Plain Language treatment.

Before After

Drug Enforcement Administration

Chemical Handler's Manual: A Guide to Chemical Control Regulations (January 2004)

U.S. Marshals Service Mission Statement

The various missions of the U. S. Marshals Service include: the protection of the Federal Judiciary and all other participants in the Federal judicial process, the execution of Federal arrest warrants, the service of civil and criminal process, the transportation and production of prisoners for court, the administration of the seized assets program, and any other duties as ordered by the Attorney General.1

The primary role and mission of the USMS is to provide for the security, and to obey, execute, and enforce all orders of the United States District Courts and the United States Courts of Appeals (hereafter referred to as the “Federal courts”).2 The Marshal of each Federal district court may, in the discretion of the respective courts, be required to attend any session of court.3 The USMS executes all lawful writs, process, and orders issued under the authority of the United States.4 Personal protection of Federal jurists, court officers, witnesses, and other threatened persons where criminal intimidation impedes the functioning of the judicial process is the responsibility of the USMS.5

Marshals and their deputies can make arrests without warrant for any offense committed against the United States in their presence or if they have reasonable grounds to believe a felony was committed.6 Marshals and deputy marshals exercise the same powers which a sheriff of the State exercise in executing the laws of the State.7 The USMS investigates fugitive matters, both within and outside the United States, involving escaped Federal prisoners, and probation, parole, mandatory release, and bond default violators.8 The USMS establishes Fugitive Apprehension Task Forces consisting of Federal, state and local law enforcement authorities, to be directed and coordinated by the USMS, for the purpose of locating and apprehending fugitives.9

The USMS sustains the custody of Federal prisoners from the time of their arrest, or remanded to a Marshal until the prisoner is committed by order of the court, otherwise released by court order, or returned to the custody of the U.S. Parole Commission or the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).10 The USMS oversees the acquisition of adequate and suitable detention space, health care, and other services and materials required to support prisoners under USMS custody and not housed in a Federal facility.11

The USMS has authority to receive, process, transport, handle property for, and maintain custody of, all Federal prisoners.12 Additionally, the USMS receives, processes, transports, and handles property of aliens criminally charged, criminal aliens (remanded for deportation after serving a criminal sentence), and administrative detainees (aliens not criminally charged, but processed for removal).13

The Attorney General has delegated to the USMS the responsibility to provide for the relocation and protection of a witness or a potential witness in an official proceeding if a crime of violence is directed at the witness.14 Temporary protection may be provided if a crime of violence is imminent or otherwise would jeopardize an ongoing investigation.15

The USMS is responsible for the maintenance of custody, management control, and disposal of property and money seized or forfeited pursuant to any law enforced and administered by the Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Fund.16 It is also authorized to exercise the power and authority to transport, receive, and maintain custody of prisoner-witnesses temporarily transferred from or to the United States pursuant to a treaty, executive agreement, or other legal authority.

Drug Enforcement Administration

Chemical Handler's Manual: A Guide to Chemical Control Regulations (Revised 2013)

U.S. Marshals Service Mission Statement

To protect, defend and enforce the American justice system.





Updated November 6, 2020