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Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen Provides Introductory Remarks at the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice Opening Ceremony


Washington, DC
United States

Remarks as Prepared for Delivery

Good morning.  I want to thank you all for your attendance and support for this special event.  It is my deep honor to participate in the inauguration of an institution as significant and eminent as the President’s Law Enforcement Commission. 

I would also like to recognize some guests from the White House who have joined us for this extraordinary occasion to express their support for law enforcement: Assistant to the President Kellyanne Conway, Assistant to the President Joe Grogan, and Deputy Assistant to the President Ja’Ron Smith.  We thank you for being here today with us, and for continuing to support American law enforcement.  

Everyone gathered here today doubtlessly understands how important law enforcement is to a free and safe society.  We can have neither liberty nor security if citizens live in fear of criminals, and also do not trust the government officials charged with their security.  Many of you also recognize that law enforcement has never been an easy job, and that has perhaps never been more true than today. 

While we all admire and appreciate the brave men and women who have devoted their lives to keeping us safe, we should always find means to improve law enforcement.  We owe it to them, and we owe it to us, to make American police the most capable and trusted public servants, trained to face modern challenges.  

It has been over 50 years, however, since we have systematically studied ways to accomplish this.  In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson authorized a similar law enforcement commission to study ways to reduce crime.  Much has changed in the half century since.  A new evaluation of how American law enforcement can best serve their communities, and how we can best address the criminal problems of our time, is needed.

This is a monumental calling that will require an exceptional and diverse collection of law enforcement leaders.  Today we are joined by the men and women who will be the Commissioners of this important undertaking.  The Department of Justice selected these Commissioners from all sectors of the law enforcement community — urban police departments, county sheriffs, state attorneys general and prosecutors, elected officials, United States Attorneys, and federal law enforcement agencies.  They come from distinct states, cities, counties, and towns across the country, but share a common mission of safeguarding their respective communities from a variety of threats.

It is my now honor to introduce the Commissioners of the President’s Law Enforcement today.  Please hold your applause. 

First, I would like to introduce the Chairman of the Law Enforcement Commission — Phil Keith, who current serves as the sixth Director of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services.  

Next, I am also pleased to introduce the Vice Chair of the Commission — Katie Sullivan, who currently serves as Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Justice Programs. 

Proceeding to the Commissioners: David Bowdich, who has been Deputy Director of the FBI since March 2018.

Sheriff James Clemmons Jr., who currently serves as the Sheriff of Richmond County, North Carolina. 

Chris Evans, who currently serves as the Drug Enforcement Administration Chief of Operations and Assistant Administrator for the Operations Division.

Frederick Frazier, who not only currently serves as an officer in the Dallas Police Department, but also as a City Council member for the city of McKinney, Texas. 

Sheriff Robert (Bob) Gualtieri, who currently serves as the Sheriff of Pinellas County, Florida. 

Police Chief Gina V. Hawkins, who currently serves as the Chief of Police of Fayetteville, North Carolina. 

Regina Lombardo, who currently serves as the Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives. 

Erica MacDonald, who currently serves as the United States Attorney for the District of Minnesota.  

Ashley Moody, who currently serves as Florida Attorney General.

Nancy G. Parr, who currently serves as the Commonwealth Attorney for Chesapeake, Virginia.

Craig Price, who currently serves as the Cabinet Secretary of the South Dakota Department of Public Safety.

Gordon Ramsay, who currently serves as the Chief of Police for Wichita, Kansas.

David B. Rausch, who currently serves as the Director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. 

Sheriff John Samaniego, who currently serves as the Sheriff of Shelby County, Alabama. 

Sergeant James Smallwood, who is a Sergeant with the Nashville Metropolitan Police Department and the current President of the Nashville Fraternal Order of Police.

Donald Washington, who currently serves as the Director of the United States Marshals Service.

Now please join me in thanking all of these men and women for their participation in this historic commission. 

I am confident that you all [the Commissioners] will serve with distinction.  And just as it is my honor to introduce these fine men and women as Commissioners, it is now my pleasure to introduce the Attorney General of the United States.

William Barr is the 85th Attorney General of the United States, and is one of only two people in American history to serve twice as Attorney General.  As Deputy Attorney General, I can say with confidence that Attorney General Barr shares our deep respect for law enforcement and a keen appreciation for the significance of today’s event.  So without further ado, Attorney General Barr.

Updated January 24, 2020