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Press Release

U.S. Attorney Deborah R. Gilg Appointed to Attorney General’s Advisory Committee

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced today the appointment of U.S. Attorney Deborah R. Gilg of the District of Nebraska to the Attorney General’s Advisory Committee (AGAC), effective Sept. 4, 2015:

“The Attorney General’s Advisory Committee plays a crucial role in shaping the Justice Department’s approach to some of the most pressing public safety issues facing our country today,” said Attorney General Lynch.  “I am grateful that the U.S. Attorneys who serve on the AGAC are able to lend their wisdom, their expertise and their counsel to advance the committee’s critical work on behalf of the American people.  As a former chair of the AGAC, I know that serving on the committee while leading federal law enforcement efforts within one’s home district is no easy feat.  But I also know that the AGAC’s members are on the committee precisely because of their talent and effectiveness as public service leaders.  That is why I could not be more pleased to welcome Deborah to the committee, where I know she will continue to serve her district and our country with passion, with intelligence and with results.”

U.S. Attorney Gilg will fill the seat vacated by former U.S. Attorney Conner Eldridge for the Western District of Arkansas, who stepped down on Aug. 22, 2015.

U.S. Attorney Gilg was appointed by President Barack Obama on Oct. 1, 2009, as the 32nd U.S. Attorney of the District of Nebraska and the first female U.S. Attorney of the District of Nebraska.  Prior to her appointment, U.S. Attorney Gilg served as an elected county attorney in Western Nebraska for 16 years.  In recognition of her expertise as a prosecutor, she was appointed as a deputy county attorney or special prosecutor in more than 21 counties in Nebraska, in addition to maintaining a private law practice.  U.S. Attorney Gilg currently serves on the Attorney General’s Subcommittees on Native American Issues, Civil Rights Issues, and Terrorism and National Security Issues.

The AGAC was created in 1973 to serve as the voice of the U.S. Attorneys and to advise the Attorney General on policy, management and operational issues impacting the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices.

Updated November 10, 2016

Office and Personnel Updates
Press Release Number: 15-1101