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Press Release

Justice Department Releases Spanish Language Video About Discrimination in Employment Eligibility Verification

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

The Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department announced today the launch of its first Spanish-language educational video. The video was developed by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices to assist employers in avoiding charges of discrimination in the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 process and to assist employees to be aware of their legal rights.  OSC enforces the anti-discrimination provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which prohibits employers from discriminating against work-authorized individuals in hiring, firing, and recruitment or referral for a fee, regardless of their citizenship status or national origin.  The law additionally prohibits discrimination during the Form I-9 and E-Verify processes.

OSC developed the video to address an issue that frequently comes to OSC’s attention through calls to its hotline and charges filed by employees. Employers occasionally incorrectly believe that they need to reverify the employment authorization of lawful permanent resident workers when their Permanent Resident Cards expire.  OSC’s new video illustrates this practice, explaining that is not permissible and may lead to claims under the anti-discrimination provision.

“We believe this video will help both employers and employees across the country understand employment eligibility verification rules and also help lawful permanent residents maintain their employment,” said Thomas E. Perez, Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division.  “Federal law prohibits discrimination in the employment eligibility verification process, and the Justice Department is committed to enforcing the law.” 

The Spanish language video may be viewed at:

A version of the same video subtitled in English can be viewed at:

The video is part of OSC’s series of educational videos launched in 2012.  OSC also operates a hotline for employers and workers, frequently providing guidance to employers on how to avoid discrimination and educating employees on rights protected by the anti-discrimination provision. OSC offers live webinars to educate employers on avoiding workplace discrimination and to educate employees about their rights.  The next Spanish language webinar will be held today at 3:00 pm.  You can register on-line at For more information about protections against employment discrimination under the immigration law, call OSC’s worker hotline at: 1-800-255-7688 (1-800-237-2525, TDD for the hearing impaired); call OSC’s employer hotline at: 1-800-255-8155 (1-800-362-2735, TDD for the hearing impaired); send an e-mail to:; or visit OSC’s website

Updated June 9, 2023

Press Release Number: 13-212