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Press Release

Department of Justice FY 2018 Budget Request

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs
President’s Request Invests in Department of Justice Criminal Justice Priorities, Including Supporting Law Enforcement, Enforcing Immigration Laws and Strengthening our National Security

President Trump’s FY 2018 Budget proposal totals $27.7 billion for the Department of Justice to support federal law enforcement and criminal justice priorities of our state, local and tribal law enforcement partners. The request represents a comprehensive investment in the Justice mission and includes increases in funding for strengthening national security efforts, supporting law enforcement, and enforcing the nation’s immigration laws. The request represents a $1.1 billion decrease over the annualized FY 2017 continuing resolution (CR) level.

“The Department of Justice is dedicated to advancing the safety, the security, and the rights of all Americans – and the FY 2018 budget reflects the President’s commitment to keep America safe,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “One of the Justice Department’s top priorities is to protect the United States from threats to our national security both foreign and domestic. The Department will enforce our laws and put criminals behind bars. We will fight the scourge of drug abuse. And we will support the courageous men and women of law enforcement, as they work day and night to protect us. The President’s budget allows the Department to continue to put America first.”

The Department of Justice’s areas of investment include:

  • +$403 million for the Federal law enforcement operations – the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the Drug Enforcement Administration – securing our nation and implementing a range of efforts to target violent criminals and to combat transnational organized crime groups, especially those trafficking drugs into the U.S.
  • +$61 million for the U.S. Attorneys, including $26 million for 300 new Assistant U.S. Attorneys (AUSAs) nationwide: 230 AUSAs to prosecute violent criminals and ensure our neighborhoods are freed from their threat, and an additional 70 AUSAs to protect our borders and restore our sovereignty by prosecuting immigration law violations.
  • +$14 million for the Department’s litigating components, including $3.7 million and 40 new positions for the Environment and Natural Resources Division and the Civil Division* and $6 million for the National Security Division.
  • +$79 million for the Executive Office of Immigration Review (EOIR), including $75 million for 75 new Immigration Judges and associated positions, boosting the Department’s capacity for prompt, efficient, and just hearings for those accused of violations of immigration law.
  • $2.0 billion in discretionary funding, plus an additional $3.1 billion in mandatory sources, totaling $5.1 billion for Federal grants to State, local, and tribal law enforcement and victims of crime, to ensure greater safety for law enforcement personnel and the people they serve. Critical programs aimed at protecting the life and safety of state and local law enforcement personnel, including the COPS Hiring Program, Preventing Violence Against Law Enforcement Officer Resilience and Survivability and the Bulletproof Vest Partnership, demonstrate our continuing commitment to supporting state, local, and tribal law enforcement.

For more information, view the FY 2018 Budget and Performance Summary at

National Security


National security remains the Department’s highest priority.  The Department will always maintain its commitment and its responsibility to safeguard American citizens and defend the homeland, while maintaining American values. Threats are constantly evolving, requiring additional investments to mitigate those threats in innovative ways. Terrorist seek to sabotage critical infrastructure; organized crime syndicates seek to defraud banks and corporations; and spies seek to steal defense and intelligence secrets and intellectual property. Each threatens our nation’s economy and security. 

The FY 2018 Budget will support the Department in responding to those evolving threats by dedicating $98.5 million to  provide program enhancements for areas of 1) combatting domestic and foreign terrorism; 2) intelligence collection and analysis; 3) cybercrime; and 4) investigative and law enforcement technology.

For more information, view the National Security Fact Sheet at

Combatting Violent Crime

Violent crime and drug use are becoming more and more commonplace within our communities. While today’s overall crime rates are near historic lows, recent trends indicate that those levels are at risk. Updated FBI statistics show that from 2014 to 2015, violent crime has increased more than 3 percent, which is the largest one-year increase in the last 24 years. The murder rate has increased 10 percent, the largest increase since 1968. Compounding this issue is the opioid and illegal drug epidemic. Heroin overdose deaths have more than tripled between 2010 and 2014 while illegal drugs flood across our borders into cities and towns bringing violence and tragedy with them. Protecting the people of this country from violent crime is a high calling of the men and women of the Department of Justice. Today, it has become more important than ever.

The FY 2018 budget requests $198.5 million in enhancements to reduce violent crime, combat the prescription drug and opioid epidemic, and target Transnational Criminal Organizations.  These resources will enable the Department to target and dismantle the worst criminal organizations and drug traffickers that are bringing violence and drugs into our communities. The Department of Justice utilizes a comprehensive set of programs that leverage law enforcement operations, prosecutorial action, and support for state and local governments to combat the violent offenders in our communities.

For more information, view the Combatting Violent Crime Fact Sheet at

Enforce Immigration Laws

The FY 2018 budget enhances border security and immigration enforcement and improves the Department’s ability to conduct more efficient and expedient immigration hearings to combat illegal entry and unlawful presence in the U.S.  The Department requests increases of $144.9 million to enforce the President’s January 25 Executive Order, “Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements” and keep pace with the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) increased immigration enforcement efforts.

For more information, view the Enforce Immigration Laws Fact Sheet at

State, Local and Tribal Assistance

The Justice Department strongly supports its partnerships with state, local, and tribal entities. The FY 2018 Budget maintains its commitments to state, local, and tribal law enforcement partners without reducing the Department’s federal operational role. Simultaneously, efficiencies are identified to ensure that federal resources are being targeted to key Administration priorities, such as combating violent crime. The FY 2018 discretionary and mandatory request for state, local, and tribal law enforcement assistance is $5.1 billion, including specific discretionary enhancements of $107.0 million.

For more information, view the State, Local and Tribal Assistance Fact Sheet at

*This release was revised to correct that the 40 new positions are for the Environment and Natural Resources Division and the Civil Division.

Updated December 11, 2017

Office and Personnel Updates
Press Release Number: 17-561