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Press Release

Attorney General Sessions Statement on President Trump's Immigration Priorities Announcement

For Immediate Release
Office of Public Affairs

Attorney General Jeff Sessions today issued the following statement on restoring the rule of law to a lawful immigration system:

“For decades the American people rightly have pleaded with their government for a lawful system of immigration.  They have asked for secure borders and an immigration system that serves the national interest.

“Unfortunately, over the last several decades respect for the rule of law has broken down and immigration enforcement has been sacrificed for the sake of political expediency. This has made us less secure and it cannot stand.

“Now President Trump has put forth a series of proposals that will restore the rule of law to our immigration system, prioritize America's safety and security, and end the lawlessness.

"These are reasonable proposals that will build on the early success of President Trump's leadership. This plan will work. If followed it will produce an immigration system with integrity and one in which we can take pride.  Perhaps the best result will be that unlawful attempts to enter will continue their dramatic decline.

“I applaud President Trump and urge Congress to listen to the American people and swiftly pass these commonsense proposals into law. The Department of Justice stands ready to continue making our neighborhoods and communities safe and secure again.” 

Updated October 8, 2017

Press Release Number: 17-1125