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Tyler v. BOP, No. 17-1107, 2018 WL 2451212 (D.D.C. May 31, 2018) (Sullivan, J.)


Tyler v. BOP, No. 17-1107, 2018 WL 2451212 (D.D.C. May 31, 2018) (Sullivan, J.)

Re:  Plaintiff's request to amend certain records

Disposition:  Granting defendants' motion to dismiss

  • Litigation Considerations, Pleadings:  The court holds that "plaintiff has mentioned the FOIA but has not alleged that BOP withheld agency records to state a claim under FOIA."  "Accordingly, any FOIA claim is dismissed[.]"
Court Decision Topic(s)
Court of Appeals opinions
Litigation Considerations, Pleadings
Updated December 2, 2021