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Sepehry-Fard© v. Santa Clara County Court, No. 18-02665, 2018 WL 6025606 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 16, 2018) (Freeman, J.)


Sepehry-Fard© v. Santa Clara County Court, No. 18-02665, 2018 WL 6025606 (N.D. Cal. Nov. 16, 2018) (Freeman, J.)

Re:  Plaintiff's "'demand[] that the Defendants furnish to Plaintiff, the name of the company and amount of any Bond, Liability Insurance, Errors and Omissions and Re Insurance [sic] for [Defendant Superior Court]'"

Disposition:  Granting defendant's motion to dismiss without leave to amend

  • Procedural Requirements, Entities Subject to the FOIA:  The court holds that "FOIA is inapplicable to the state Defendants" because "[a] claim in federal court seeking to force a state agency to disclose records under FOIA cannot succeed."
Court Decision Topic(s)
District Court opinions
Procedural Requirements, Entities Subject to the FOIA
Updated November 18, 2021